George_on_my_Minds blogg 



A Wild Ride

By- George

It has been said, " A picture is worth a thousand words ." I agree . . .

There I was, First Ave and 66th Street, facing a decision: jump on the bus or take a taxi. I had uptown business to handle before heading to Brooklyn; I was on a schedule and time was tight.

In the distance I saw her, the uptown M15 Limited, yeah baby, I decided I had just enough time to take that bus, and skittered to the stop. She came and went – out of service- damn, taxi time . . . With the hope of saving ten bucks gone, I threw up my hand and hailed. I jumped in my cab and directed the driver to our destination, “First Ave and 106 Street,” and we were off. I sat back to relax and enjoy the short trek north.

That’s when it hit me, that photo I’d seen of YOU ** this morning, slightly bent over, your sexiness glistening . You were waiting, wanting . . . With laser-like precision, that image burned into my brain. I suddenly felt the sensation of **my hands on your full, womanly hips , I could taste your succulent aromas . Waiting, you were. Wanting . . . Oh, that image . . .

I felt me holding you, shimmying toward your wetness, my penis stabbingly hard . Me nearing you, and * you rearing back to take me* . . .

Without notice my taxi transformed into a giant yellow cockmobile , and we were heading north. Fuck 106 Street, we would pass it and keep on going, straight to The Bronx; straight to you, knowing you'd be anxiously waiting; sticky, like a flower craving pollen . Oh, how I could see you . . . How I could hear your moans of satisfaction . . .

I shuddered myself straight, I was in a taxi to East Harlem, not The Bronx, and knew I had to calm myself.

But my body had switched to auto pilot, and with every beat, my heart rerouted blood from my brain to my now throbbing cock . There I was, my member strained against my boxer-briefs, jeans engorged. Slightly short of breath.

I couldn’t turn off that vision. That woman; that sexy, sexy woman. I’d turn it off, it turned back on, I turned it off, it turned back on. With every block northward the giant yellow penis grew in its steadfast determination.

Finally I reached my destination; I could be free from the bondage that had become my thoughts. I paid the driver and slid out of the cab; immediately positioning my bag in front of me - an attempt at hiding my rock-hard member . Like it had a mind of its own, with my first step my cock adjusted itself, taking up position against my right thigh; the swollen flesh moving in unison with my every step.

There you were, still haunting, walking in my memory, taunting me with your sexy. . .

I finally walked to my meeting point -took a deep breath- and managed to shake you off. It was time for business - uptown business- and I needed a clear head for it.

Thanks for the ride.

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