hfreerider1s blogg 



lost loved ones

so im no stranger to losing someone I love I have a brother why "they say" committed suicide in 1992, so losing him was like losing my best friend, and anyone who knows me knows about this, Well I fell in love with a young lady who was a user of meth. how we met is for another blog. I tried for years to get her to stop using even got her to come visit me from Ms. for a month for the month time she was clean she then insisted on going back home to Ms. so because I loved her so much I agreed under one condition, that she return to me after she settled all her business back home she was back home for one month and over dosed and died, I have not been able to sleep since and I just want to die myself to be with her again is that wrong? advice on this please don't know who reads these but if you do please I could use all the advice I can get

  • hfreerider1: devileyes57lus2balls, sorry to hear about your husband hope your doing OK now you ever need to talk feel free …
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