Sometimesexuals blogg 



It is all nice to see pics on here...

Somewhere on this site are some very "real" people, for every profile there is a "real" person behind it. For every comment on a pic, a "real" person did that. Well, we tend to think so anyway.

I think though we as a "community" tend to judge. We judge the person, we judge the picture, we judge the words.

I believe we all want to be noticed, have our opinions matter, and be welcome.

Well, some of us.

I grew up watching all the technology develop that has made much of this possible. I used to have to go out and meet people locally, and there was no way to contact someone except by snail mail or long distance phone. If you wanted to see a woman nude, the strip bars and magazines were the only avenue. When you saw someone, you had to walk up to and engage them.

Now, you can contact anyone, be anyone and say anything you choose.

Honesty is out the window. But also, we put labels on things, place numbers, and tend to lose our control of who we are.

If you want to meet someone, you still need to engage in a conversation to know who they are. Unless people just get together and rip their clothes off.

My point here is, maybe I am unique here in this "community", that I want to "know" people, "meet" them, not just "encounter" them.

So, come on people use your brain, use your judgment, let's be people, not animals.

कमेन्ट पोस्ट हो गई।