Man (68) uit Norwalk, Ohio is op zoek naar Vrouw, Koppel.

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Over tym2show4u

Wat is Karma?

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De kroontjes die je ziet bij een lidmaatschapsprofiel geven zijn/haar reputatie en gedrag op het platform weer. Deze ontvang je door het hebben van een actief lidmaatschap, het bijdragen aan blogs, plaatsen van reacties, foto's en status updates; maar ook het toekennen of aftrekken van reputatiepunten m.b.t. hoe andere leden reageren op jouw profiel en de inhoud ervan.

Je kan het beschadigen van je reputatie vermijden door met andere profieleigenaren beleefd en op een respectvolle manier om te gaan, eerlijk gebruik te maken van je profiel en er voor te zorgen dat je de gedragsregels van de site niet overtreedt.

Een paar kilo's teveel
Leer/Leder, Rollenspel, Gladgeschoren, Tatoeages, Speelgoed
Over Mij
my name is William schwab and I travel every month or five weeks and I like to line dates up for these dates..i use a guide and companion (you for both)we stay at a hotel for 2 nights and see the city ..if your interested in this use this to make arangements for a city near by or whatever. understand I want the guide part of you to let me know what we are doing such as shows,plays,dance,long ass walks, I just want you on board with this so contact here .. four one nine six seven seven four three eight five...I have a passport so I can go to Toronto also..i find it to be better date this way,we both enjoy ourselves and have a great time too. I get up out of town here for few days before I got to build another 3d printer so I can sell it and have another date...imagine if I only had one girl what her life would be like. I prefer a bi date cause you never know when a twosome can become a threesome,and it can go both ways also...first night slow, like dinner and show then happy time in bed. second night is a wild card, party nite till u don't know who you may wake up with and theres where the bi part kicks in full burn...then we are outta there at check out time...just a weekend "winter blast twenty fourteen" if your in let me know ok.thanks ...why I do this ...because I bet your bo don't that's why ...oh drinking is a must do on 2nd nite. lets kick it ..if you are within 350 miles of Norwalk ohio I drive to you but if more Amtrak(club car) and a month and clam it as yours. I have canon cameras so outdoor shots will be of you alone (some)because you have your own life.. and those pix will be yours to keep forever in both black and white and another canon will use color film...I also have a 16megapixel digital camera for uploads at room. you want a good weekend you make it happen..thanks
5'8"-5'11" (173-180 cm)
$30,000-$50,000 (€23,000 - €38,000)
Gemeenschappelijke interesses
Zakelijk netwerken, Dineren, Nachtclubs/Dansen, Kunst/Artistiek
self employed..i make 3d own design of an i3
Op de site voor
Vrijblijvende sex, Sexting, Een discrete relatie, Liefde, Om les te geven en te krijgen
Seksuele interesse
1 op 1 sex, Groepsex, Trio
william schwab

tym2show4u is op zoek naar

Een paar kilo's teveel
Ongeveer gelijk aan mij
my name is tym2show4u at g spot mail so there that's your contact point. I like a lady to be touching me and i'll craw all over you. I would like you to be as open as me,as I learned sharing in school. there is this web thing called scambook and it gives ratings and shows complants about the problems with botts with all adult sites. cool right.. as far as my wants in a match..really,for reals?i don't have any real type on girls,i learned long ago that you girls all have different flavors just like guys witch brings me to that.. now that I'm very narrow mined on 5ft thew 5ft. 3 in. low weight, soft voice, light touch, and silky down about 5in. at that point i'll bite down on it and suck kin doll up like a slirpee ok. I woke up on wrong side of bed in L.A. more times than I can count but for some reason I know not ..I only like mini ken dolls ok. but I'm really here for women now only. user at g spot mail. I opened up that mail just for this user,i thought it was easier..the botts are becoming a problem way to much now. I hope someone local can touch me quick because I don't know this site. if it works i'll dump it in no problem..i can host,i live alone. thanks
5'8"-5'11" (173-180 cm)
$10,000-$30,000 (€7,700 - €23,000)
Ik ben op zoek naar
Vrouw, Koppel