Man (31) uit Lexington, Kentucky is op zoek naar Vrouw.

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Over shaolinsexualmagic

Wat is Karma?

Bronzen -, zilveren -, en gouden kroontjes

De kroontjes die je ziet bij een lidmaatschapsprofiel geven zijn/haar reputatie en gedrag op het platform weer. Deze ontvang je door het hebben van een actief lidmaatschap, het bijdragen aan blogs, plaatsen van reacties, foto's en status updates; maar ook het toekennen of aftrekken van reputatiepunten m.b.t. hoe andere leden reageren op jouw profiel en de inhoud ervan.

Je kan het beschadigen van je reputatie vermijden door met andere profieleigenaren beleefd en op een respectvolle manier om te gaan, eerlijk gebruik te maken van je profiel en er voor te zorgen dat je de gedragsregels van de site niet overtreedt.

Middelbare School
Tantrische sex
Over Mij
High, Where to begin? I am not a normal kind of guy, I am deeply involved in the eastern arts and religious worship and from a superficial glance, I am not surprising or seem very different from a normal teenager. I am 20 and haven't had sex with very many people... I am looking for someone to develop a serious sexual based relationship to push each others limits, from our breathing to our emotions and our souls. I live rurally and don't get out much, but my interests are deep in music (from funk and pop to speed metal), knowledge of the spirit, cooking, just how to get the most out of time and life, etc. etc. I know about so much stuff its pointless to go there. I have done a lot of drugs and don't go there any more but I still smoke weed and use psychedelics as stimulants with my few friends. Sexual forces dominate and are the most guarded of all spiritual paths, because they are the most powerful. It goes deep to the roots of consciousness and love. So to get my point across, I want to start a fire in you, and use it to refine us like gold. If I could put a song on here, it would be Give Me One Reason by Tracy Chapman or something by Sublime, or a maybe Cowboy by Kid Rock. I will be your rock if you let me rock you like the sea... I will shine like the sun if you will let me light up the face of the earth. Only a life intensely lived gives lasting wisdom... so hopefully we can do some self-exploration. We all need some...
Anyway, my life is full of magic. Seriously, magic(k) like spirits and higher power communication and the impossible and the infinite... I have been studying occult topics and yoga self-discipline stuff for about 5 years... I am as good a person and you can't use me, and those who have tried have left beaten and cursed by the wrath of God. Its pretty intense. I am going to climb the mountains and I show others the way for all my times, so if you don't understand or are confused after reading this about why I am taking a dive into this place on the internet, just ask, feel free to lower your inhibitions and I will open your eyes.
5'8"-5'11" (173-180 cm)
Gemeenschappelijke interesses
Boeken/Discussie, Koken, Dineren, Kunst/Artistiek
Engels, Chinees, Frans, Hebreeuws, Spaans
Op de site voor
Sexting, Om les te geven en te krijgen
Seksuele interesse
1 op 1 sex

shaolinsexualmagic is op zoek naar

Slank, Middelmatig, Atletisch
Aziatisch, Blank/Kaukasisch, Mediterraans, Gemengd
Zwart, Bruin, Groen, Grijs
Kastanjebruin, Zwart, Blond, Bruin, Lichtbruin
4'8"-4'11" (142-150 m), 5'0"-5'3" (152-160 cm), 5'4"-5'7" (163-170 cm), 5'8"-5'11" (173-180 cm)
Boeddhist, Christelijk, Hindoeïst, Jain, Joods, Mormoon, Pinkstergemeenschap, Shinto, Sikh, Spiritueel, Taoïsme, Wiccan, Heiden, Overig
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