Man (53) uit The City Of Brighton And Hove, United Kingdom is op zoek naar Man.

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Over user59335017

Wat is Karma?

Bronzen -, zilveren -, en gouden kroontjes

De kroontjes die je ziet bij een lidmaatschapsprofiel geven zijn/haar reputatie en gedrag op het platform weer. Deze ontvang je door het hebben van een actief lidmaatschap, het bijdragen aan blogs, plaatsen van reacties, foto's en status updates; maar ook het toekennen of aftrekken van reputatiepunten m.b.t. hoe andere leden reageren op jouw profiel en de inhoud ervan.

Je kan het beschadigen van je reputatie vermijden door met andere profieleigenaren beleefd en op een respectvolle manier om te gaan, eerlijk gebruik te maken van je profiel en er voor te zorgen dat je de gedragsregels van de site niet overtreedt.

Over Mij
I've lived in Brighton 4 31 years yet most people can't understand me when I'm H &H bcoz I've still got a very strong Glaswegian deeply dominant rough toned accent but it always gets me given a good mood chance 4 the guys either gay str8 or. Bi~¢urious of mind usually 4m me telling them story's of previous perfection8 per4mances pleasuring plentiful prize prick power tools power'd phenomenon paced puls8ing purple helmets I can get any man's big bell end 2 turn a shade of blue by getting his humongous hard on"s over 13 "+ long incredibly thick girthed grown cos that's the biggest lump of masterful massive monstar man~meat I've ever had the pleasure to eagerly eat a Swiss tourist called Hans with strong shovel sized hands he reached in2 his sweat pants waist pulled out his still soft 7:5"+ length of donkey dong dropped it and I saw that raw treat so sweet sensationally swung fell instantly 2 my knees and begun to please my 6'6" tall Viking warriors weapon of ass destruction and in his entire 52 years alive I was the 1st guy to ever swallow all 13"+ mule's meat an eager enough eating buried bollocks deep down inside my neck and thrust 4m thick thunder thighs fast & furious ass blasts in the night 4. 18;00 hours till 4;30 hrs he spewed his hot thick donkey Dick's disappeared dong I made extremely explode a large load so I could swallow every drop b4 bursting open wide my ass blasts to spew load 2 inside my behind then another short break b4 his 2nd almighty amazing amounts of creamy cum cre8ed climbing up inside his massively magnificent meaty monstar manhood which was uncut not circumcised but the thick 4skin easily pulled right back to show his beautiful broadly bloated Bell~end thicker throbbing again and again suct off to a coolest completion every stroke took as he'd have a good mood look down at him dominant daddy's donkey Dick's disappeared Dong's longest length I've ever eaten with all my strength 4 2 large load's of foreign fleshy fuck pole reach my life's peak goal 13"+ in both my hole's

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