Vrouw (51) uit Toronto, Canada is op zoek naar Man.

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Over sinfullred

Wat is Karma?

Bronzen -, zilveren -, en gouden kroontjes

De kroontjes die je ziet bij een lidmaatschapsprofiel geven zijn/haar reputatie en gedrag op het platform weer. Deze ontvang je door het hebben van een actief lidmaatschap, het bijdragen aan blogs, plaatsen van reacties, foto's en status updates; maar ook het toekennen of aftrekken van reputatiepunten m.b.t. hoe andere leden reageren op jouw profiel en de inhoud ervan.

Je kan het beschadigen van je reputatie vermijden door met andere profieleigenaren beleefd en op een respectvolle manier om te gaan, eerlijk gebruik te maken van je profiel en er voor te zorgen dat je de gedragsregels van de site niet overtreedt.

Over Mij
confident 37 year old that knows what she wants in life i just cant seem to find him. I am looking to find someone to spend time with and be able to keep up. I have … is 18 and ready to start his own life without me which leaves alot of free time. I have red hair blue eyes with a medium build. I love hockey, golf, camping, and fairs. I love the rides. I am looking at my life and age and know i dont want to be alone the older we get the harder it gets to meet someone and build a life. I have a high sex drive and i want it everyday if feasable. I want a best friend. I hate yelling, I wont fight if i feel or see negativity i will walk theres no reason for it talk you need communication its so important to me. I have to be able to trust you if its an open relationship meaning there would be others then as long as the issue is addressed. I wanta have fun but felt i should be honest with what I am looking for. I am an awsum sense of humour i am always making people laugh. I love video games am beer. I think that pretty much sums it up. I am an easy going chick that wants to play that hopes you could be for me after spending time together i believe in ora you know when theres chemistry. Last but not least i forgot to mention that kissing is a must i love it i love to cuddle be close as i believe if u can keep the connection your chances of staying together sexually or more. I hope i sound ok as i havent read anybody's profile i got told about the site and here i am. i look forward to getting to know you better drop me a line maybe have a chat !!!!!!

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