
Man (41) uit Springfield, Oregon is op zoek naar Vrouw.

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Ik gebruik Icebreaker om in contact te komen met nieuwe leden die mij interessant lijken.

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I'm back, been to long, hope to talk with my friends soon
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I'm BACCKKKKKK.. well sorta kinda.. i will be online more anyways.. hope to chat with ya'll soon.
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Well I probably won't be online much for awhile.
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common sense on a first meeting.

so my basic rules for a first meeting are simple. I meet in a public place first to talk get introductions out the way and such. i have no issues with them bringing a friend for the meetup.. but for the love of everything, WHY the hell would you bring your ex bf who you just broke up with the night before so you could hookup with someone else with you? I just had to beat the shit out of a guy cause he didnt like the fact i was "hitting on" his ex gf in his presence and he got physical.. sooo for future reference.. if you bring your ex to a meetup its a really bad idea..

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I have unlocked all my photos to friends
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heading to bed.. will have the best of dreams thanks to my friends on here.. You're all so beautiful
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bored and want to chat

hey all, if anyone would like to chat add me up on here or kik mess viperdom30 would love to chat with you.

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so bored and horny.. need someone to chat it up with please
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