
Man (41) uit Streamwood, Illinois is op zoek naar Vrouw.

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Stuur een Cadeau
according to this site. all the women in Chicagoland area are totally pleased!!! I call b.s.
Reactie succesvol geplaatst.
Maybe it's just me. but the odds of picking a woman up here and picking one up at a comic book store are about the same. who else finds this to be both sad and true!?!?
Reactie succesvol geplaatst.
I'm starting to think this was just a waste of time and money!! where is the real people looking to hookup
Reactie succesvol geplaatst.
bored as hell, can't sleep, anyone have any ideas
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just joined full membership. anyone wish to chat ?
Reactie succesvol geplaatst.
Reactie succesvol geplaatst.