
Man (33) uit Durban, South Africa is op zoek naar Vrouw.

Ik maak geen gebruik van Icebreaker om met anderen in contact te komen.

Ik gebruik Icebreaker om in contact te komen met nieuwe leden die mij interessant lijken.

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I'm seriously thinking most of the profiles here are artificial
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Dick pics... yay or nay? I've heard many women say it doesn't turn them on at all...
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Hello world!

Hi, I'm new here. I've noticed basic members can't read messages, but some of the messages I've received have been from other basic members... How does that work? Also, what's the point of being a premium member when the basic members can't read your messages.

So with that, how do people on here contact each other? Through comments? If you are reading this, please leave a comment to get some chats going

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