John1960AJohn 1960

Man (63) uit Jacksonville, Florida is op zoek naar Vrouw.

Ik maak geen gebruik van Icebreaker om met anderen in contact te komen.

Ik gebruik Icebreaker om in contact te komen met nieuwe leden die mij interessant lijken.

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Site is Bull Shit

I signed up and immediately started getting messages from 6 different "ladies" all within a close distance to me. I had not paid yet so I could not read their messages.

I few days later (and DOZENS more messages from the same ladies) I paid. Then I could read and respond to their messages. Every one of them had been asking the exact same questions, worded exactly the same. And guess what, not a single one responded once I sent them a message... Go figure.

So far (1 week+) I have yet to be able to get anybody to respond to a message from me in any way.

I want my $$ back.!

  • John1960A: Well I still have not had a single legitimate contact or reply from a woman yet. It would be really nice if just one lady would respond. Even if just to tell me she is not intended, Some response, even a rejection is better than nothing.....
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Reactie succesvol geplaatst.