
Man (55) uit North Webster, Indiana is op zoek naar Vrouw, Koppel.

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Ik gebruik Icebreaker om in contact te komen met nieuwe leden die mij interessant lijken.

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New Friends-

To all my newfound friends and future "playmates" you can call on me anytime for anything. I would love the opportunity to meet you all and have our own story to tell. I will have my house remodel complete in about three months and all my friends have open invitations for lake town fun! letsget together and do what fuckbook was made for!

Sincerely- Mottern69lover

Reactie succesvol geplaatst.
So- My first night is going.... Have made some contacts, anti-climactic but contacts none the less
Reactie succesvol geplaatst.
Reactie succesvol geplaatst.