Feeling48's Blog



For you !

Don't look for recognition on the outside

Cries of approval, admiration and praise, the world's loudest applause can never satisfy the deepest aspirations of your heart. It can only be temporary and conditional; you will exhaust yourself trying to keep people's recognition. Your light will never come from without, my friend; it will only be found within. In your ordinariness lies great power. You are unusual to the core, for you are not separated from life itself, from the power that moves the oceans and the planets in their orbits. Don't compare yourself, don't try to be like anyone else. It won't work. You are a unique flower, unusual even in the midst of your sorrows, doubts, pains, and homesickness. You are the absolute counterpart, the incomparable expression of that which can never be expressed. You can never be another flower, and therein lies your greatness, your preciousness.

  • Feeling48: Thank you for making that impression.
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