orangepeelsmile11's Blog



me pt 24

They wanted to explore the garden. If only they could find some way out of eachothers arms. His black skin, that rainbow hair. And those eyes. Just impossible to not get lost in. They sat there in silence for quite some time.

"How do you think we should explore" Just like that he was standing no longer holding his world in his arms.

"I often explore this place alone.." (a sudden look of shame and desparation showed upon his face.

"Its very beautiful and i love being here. But only when you are here does it actually feel like I'm home"

This confused her.

"home? you live here?"

She knew the answer to that. It was not so chosen for him tolive in this place. Back home she looked at his story as a tragic one. But now that she was here with him. She was actually thankful for the carnage he had faced through there years together back on earth.

"Well.. I was forced into darkness quite some time ago. It wasn't untill I was about six years old that I actually found this place. I looked at it as a gift I had been given for spending so many years in the dark."

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