coopaxxx's Blog



wat the fuck

Has anyone actually found a real person on this damn site. I swear everyone whoes engaged with me ended up being bull shit.

  • larrygene321: That's about the truth. I posted near the same shit. If I wanted to just look and jerk my dick, I'd go to a porn site. When you first start several woman sent you messages and then you have to pay for a membership so you can read them. And it's all shit like how do you like this site. Not to mention spam and fake ass bitches wanting you to go to a different site or app.
  • coopaxxx: I swear to baby jesus the scammer I get im gonna... I dont know yet probably punch a cat or something
  • larrygene321: All the profiles with a c that has a box around it in front of the name are actually computer generated profiles. Auto messaging and all the other fake shit. Find one go to the profile and hold on the symbol, it will tell you.
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