MadmanMarcusTatts's Blog



damn all them sexy girls mmmm mmmmmmn

In this day and age with everyone trying as politically correct as possible to do the right thing in every move we make its getting harder and harder to really see what it is that we seem to be looking forin our mate. Fir me good personality is a must ,she also must have a lighter more playful side to her as well and then strength in her self and all she does. After that only leaves what she might look like . WELL FOR ME AND ME ALONE, i like long lean and lanky. Before ya say anything i know i know it sounds shallow right ? Wrong !, I firmly believe that a person should never just settlego out and find what it is you want and stick to your guns. I mean cmon we all know what we want so cmon people go after it do what it takes to be noticed by the one you want .I personally am absolutely crazy for a couple girls but want only one and she knows who she is and ill try everyday to let her know and even with my talents i want her to want me as if there is no other man that could ever do for her and thatam her ever desire and fantasy rolled into one tightly set package of yummy people go out and whether you know who tbat person is or not . . Never settle go for it anx take that extra step go the extra mile , i promise you wont be sorry because in uour self youll find a new you full of determination and self respect that everyone around you will notice and admire .. I promise .... till next time luv ,hugs n kisses my babies .... marcus the madman luvs y'all

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