スリム, 平均的, アスリート体型, 筋骨隆々, ややぽっちゃり, 大柄でぽっちゃり
飲まない, ほとんど飲まない, つきあいで, やめた
高卒, 大学単位履修, 現在学生, 大学の学位, 学士号, 修士号, 博士号/ポスドク, 人生という学校
白人, 東インド系, スペイン系アメリカ人, インド系, ラテン系, 地中海系, 中東系, 混血
I am looking for someone that likes to have fun as well. I don't want a relationship that's all about sex. I want there to be more than that. I know it's called fuckbook. But, thought just "MAYBE" there may be some guys out there, that aren't just looking to get laid. I mean I am not saying I don't like sex. I do!! I just don't want to fuck anyone, or anything. I am tad selective with whom I sleep with.
I don't want someone that has been with the half the town, or has had lots of one nights stands, that's like a walking disease. I want them to also have a tad of respect for themselves as well.
Also, hopefully someone that's not dishonest, a player, and just out for the pussy! If that's what your looking for, then continue to look!! I'm NOT the one.
Happy Fucking!!! (:
赤褐色, 黒, ブロンド, 茶, 薄茶, 赤, 白/グレー, その他
100万円以下, 100万円~300万円, 300万円~500万円, 500万円~700万円, 700万円~1000万円, 1000万円~1500万円, 1500万円~5000万円, 私は超大金持ちです。
吸わない, ほとんど吸わない, つきあい程度, 時々, よく吸う, 禁煙中, 禁煙した