スリム, 平均的, アスリート体型, ややぽっちゃり
高卒, 大学単位履修, 現在学生, 大学の学位, 学士号, 修士号, 博士号/ポスドク, 人生という学校
アジア系, 白人, スペイン系アメリカ人, インド系, ラテン系, 地中海系, 中東系, 混血
Best -You do not have to want sex to be my friend. If you need someone,to talk to,to just be with-I can be there. I do enjoy sex though,but you need to accept me as is. Sometimes because of things,my fingers do the walking and my tongue the talking,if the bang is short-but I promise to make you as happy as I want to be,or try really hard. I need a non smoker preferably,or one that is willing to take some precautions because of my chem induced asthma. I need disease free,non recreational or hvy … drinker[been there -got the tee shirts and battle scars-not again]. Good Hygiene is a must also,especially if...... . I would like ladies to be good looking inside and out. Money is not a problem,I do not judge on a lot of the standard scales-I dress comfortably-and because I have dropped 160 lbs,and intend to drop more -so no use buying new. If I have a reason ,so do others. It would be a miracle if they enjoyed the same hobby things-but.sigh.Friends's is a good hobby Shoppe to have available.
赤褐色, 坊主, 黒, ブロンド, 茶, 薄茶, 赤, 白/グレー, その他
140cm以下, 141~150cm, 151~160cm, 161~170cm, 171~180cm, 181~190cm
不可知論者, 魔術崇拝, 多神教徒, その他
吸わない, ほとんど吸わない, つきあい程度, 禁煙中, 禁煙した