スリム, 平均的, アスリート体型, 筋骨隆々, ややぽっちゃり
高卒, 大学単位履修, 現在学生, 大学の学位, 学士号, 修士号, 博士号/ポスドク, 人生という学校
アフリカ系, アフリカ系アメリカ人, アジア系, 白人, 東インド系, スペイン系アメリカ人, インド系, ラテン系, 地中海系, 中東系, 混血
Describe my perfect match? Tough one... as I have several "perfect" matches. A woman who knows what she wants in bed and isn't shy about it. A woman who likes her pussy eaten until she's quivering. A woman who will sit on my face and let me lick not just her pussy, but her asshole too. Anal isn't a *must* but it sure is amazing. Basically any woman who takes care of herself, is fun to be around, and isn't about just rushing straight to penetrating intercourse. Foreplay is important... and fucking heavenly!
Couples - the man needn't be bisexual, but not a bad thing if he is 😝 I've been with a couple that wanted me fuck her while he watched.... but he also tried to direct. He might have accidentally got some cum on his face. He liked it though 🙂. I've been with a couple who was all about everyone getting a turn as the center of attention- that was an incredible night. I've also been in a 69 with a woman while her man was fucking her from behind, have to say one of the absolute best sexual experiences and I would absolutely do it again... and again! Only thing is he didn't cum inside of her, was a little disappointed I didn't get the creampie! Your kink dial should be turned way up with me. **Almost** anything goes!
赤褐色, 坊主, 黒, ブロンド, 茶, 薄茶, 赤, 白/グレー, その他
140cm以下, 141~150cm, 151~160cm, 161~170cm, 171~180cm, 181~190cm, 191cm以上
100万円以下, 100万円~300万円, 300万円~500万円, 500万円~700万円, 700万円~1000万円, 1000万円~1500万円, 1500万円~5000万円
アドベンティスト派, 不可知論者, 無神論者, バプティスト派, 仏教徒, カオダイ教徒, カトリック, キリスト教, ヒンドゥー教徒, ジャイナ教徒, ユダヤ教徒, メソジスト派, モルモン教徒, イスラム教徒, ギリシャ正教徒, ペンテコステ派, プロテスタント, クェーカー教徒, サイエントロジー, 神道, シーク教徒, スピリチュアル, 道教信者, 魔術崇拝, 多神教徒, その他
吸わない, ほとんど吸わない, つきあい程度, 時々, よく吸う, 禁煙中, 禁煙した