スリム, 平均的, アスリート体型, 筋骨隆々
高卒, 大学単位履修, 現在学生, 大学の学位, 学士号, 修士号, 博士号/ポスドク, 人生という学校
アジア系, 白人, 東インド系, スペイン系アメリカ人, インド系, ラテン系, 地中海系, 中東系, 混血
Thinks outside the box, is free but wants to fuck me often, and is fun and cool. Chill, likes good art, music, and literature, knows how to have a good time. Is healthy as well as physically fit. Has a strong personality and mental attitude. Is really dirty in bed and horny all the time for my cock. She loves my cock like I love her pussy. Good at sex, and knows how to deepthroat well. Equally reciprocates sexual work done during sex, that is, sucks me like I lick her, fucks me like I fuck her, tries to relax me and give me back rubs, light body scratches, and head scratches/rubs with equal intensisty or at least equal intensity legitimately proportional to her effort. To be real. That's a lot of stuff haha, but I know what I really want in a girl. I am accepting though of girls who fall far from the mark, as is bound to often happen; they still carry value to me and are blessings to be counted as well and new experiences to be thankful for. I may seem arrogant, but I try not to be. That's me, as best as I can articulate at the current moment. Cheers!
赤褐色, 黒, ブロンド, 茶, 薄茶, 赤
141~150cm, 151~160cm, 161~170cm, 171~180cm
100万円~300万円, 300万円~500万円, 500万円~700万円, 700万円~1000万円, 1000万円~1500万円, 1500万円~5000万円, 私は超大金持ちです。
不可知論者, 仏教徒, キリスト教, ヒンドゥー教徒, メソジスト派, シーク教徒, スピリチュアル, 道教信者, その他
吸わない, ほとんど吸わない, つきあい程度, 禁煙中, 禁煙した