
Fort Smith, Arkansas 在住の 男性 (44)で、女性を探しています.



I might go to the gentlemen club for dinner and a diet soda my friend might not really looking to spend much might chat a ladie a little
It sucks but i will save $ just i padlock my door on the inside and just stay in my room and keep him at 10 feet away almost never come out
And i only found 1 way to trigger them no other way and at the time he a was doing it it has been like 2 months past last time i trigger them
It when my back was turned and he would keep getting in back of me and like right on me but i have tacktile that never trigger unless i force it to and half the time it doesn't saying it is that
Well i moved now no more tactile triggering i don't trust 1 of the guy i live with now and yes i told him and he started feeling me up shortly afterwards and when i called him and he was only doing
My last day till i moving in my own apartment that i will be tripping my tactile hallucinations don't trust someone i moving in with
Have the hallucinations then unlike when other family and friends die so don't know at that point yeat
And i don't know about a close love one mostly afterwards getting it was family that i know but not really got to know and have a connection with like my mom when she past it toren me up be i didn't