


People Don't Read

I find it very annoying when people don't read before they step to me. Why is reading fundamental?

  1. A person reading my profile would already know I'm not looking for a MAN.

  2. A person reading my profile/mate section would know that I'm not into smokers (either the legal stuff nor the illegal stuff). If you want to do it, that's you, just don't expect me to convert or be around it.

Those stand out from the jump.

And yet, I have had multiple men send me friend requests...don't even bother to try and strike up a conversation. I've even gotten multiple invites from some of the same men. How many times do I have to hit decline before you get the picture?

And then, I had someone who had the AUDACITY to send me a message, trying to judge me based on my lifestyle, but his ass is looking to FUCK around discretely. At least I'm upfront about what I mate knows what I'm doing, and I don't have to go around creeping. So this dumbass shouldn't be worried about what is supposed to be going on with his soul...he should be more worried about what's going to happen to his.

So he's blocked and getting reported. I'm not on here to get harassed...I'm here to have fun, make some friends, and if the female is the right one, something more.

But I don't get with just anybody. I'm quality and expect whoever I get in contact with to be quality, too...and if you aren't that, then don't waste my time.

