


Love Bucket

Love Bucket

Rated: M


Summary: Karkat has trouble conveying his sexual frustration to his ignorant best friend. Gamzee has no idea what Karkat keeps trying to tell him.

"Gamzee," Karkat hissed softly to his friend, currently sitting on the floor next to a pile of clown horns. He had three bottles of different flavored Faygo open and he was staring pretty intensely at the ceiling.

"Gamzee?" Karkat tried again, his voice quivering. He didn't know what he was going to tell the capricornus troll once he got his attention. 'Hey Gamzee, wanna fuck?' Oh yeah, that was definitely the best way to go about it.

Karkat had been having these sexually frustrating dreams lately. Something related to S&M, he thinks. The dream usually consisted of an older looking version of him chained to a wall by burning hot irons in the shape of his sign while a much larger, more threatening, beastly Gamzee fucked him senseless. Karkat always woke up after that awkward and rigid. He found himself more and more frustrated and snappy with each day the dream snuck back into his head. His body was screaming for his best friend, but how could he just ask him? He was a much higher blood than him, not that that really mattered to either of them, but it was still a factor. Gamzee would probably go with it anyways, but it was still embarrassing.

After a few more seconds of Gamzee staring at the ceiling, with the only noise being the fizz of the other trolls open Faygo can, Karkat growled.

"GAMZEE," Karkat snapped, "LOOK AT ME YOU FUCKASS."

Gamzee's gaze drifted lazily to Karkat, a sloppy grin formed on his face, and he gave a small chuckle.

"What's wrong, motherfucker?" He questioned, "Someone got your panties all in a fuckin' bunch?"

"Gamzee, shut the fuck up, I need to talk to you," Karkat blushed and came over to sit beside Gamzee, moving some bottles of Faygo to the side while doing so. His eyes became trained on the ground and he brought his knees up to his chest. He could feel Gamzee's warmth right beside him, right there, and Karkat felt like he could just jump him then, if it weren't for his self-control.

"What do you wanna talk about, motherfucker?" Gamzee asked slowly, "Wanna make out or something?" Karkat blushed again, feeling even more uncomfortable than before.

"Wh-why would you think that?" Karkat hissed, looking away.

"You've been blushing like a motherfuckin' bitch, best friend. Just thought it would be motherfuckin' fun, all that," Gamzee smirked then, leaning closer to the red blooded troll, "In fact, you look like you're blushin' now motherfucker."

Karkat looked back over at Gamzee's face, and true to the indigo blood's word, he was blushing.

"S-shut up! Ge-Get the f-" Karkat started, but was cut off by Gamzee's lips on his. He pushed Karkat to the floor under him and began to passionately kiss him. Karkat was hesitant, but eventually gave in and kissed back. He tried to switch their positions several times, but Gamzee proved too heavy.

"You're such a cute motherfucker," Gamzee smirked when they broke their sloppy kiss, "Have I ever told you how fuckable you are, Karkat?" He grinned deviously. Karkat just blushed more, letting out a small yelp of surprise when Gamzee's hands reached around and squeezed his ass.

"-don't!" Karkat squirmed, but Gamzee wouldn't stop now.

"You want me to fuck you, motherfucker?" He asked in a low voice, "Like fucking animals in motherfuckin' heat, best friend."

Karkat stilled momentarily and looked into Gamzee's eyes. They were indigo surrounded by flaming yellow. Karkat had always thought his eyes were alluring, he never knew how alluring until now. The low-blood moaned softly when Gamzee attacked his neck with little kisses and bites. His hands pushed up Karkat's shirt and trailed over the Karkat's smooth, grey skin.

"G-Gamzee n…ngh…" Karkat trailed off when Gamzee brought his leg in-between Karkat's. Karkat gasped and pushed against the other troll, feeling totally different from his usual self.

"Feeling submissive, motherfucker?" Gamzee drawled, his hot breath on Karkat's ear. He shivered at the words and tried to push away, regaining his usual composure for a moment.

"What… the fuck, Gamzee—" He panted. Gamzee just smirked and hooked his slender fingers on the edge of the smaller troll's shirt. He nearly ripped the shirt of the others body, causing Karkat to blush.

"In a fucking hurry?" Karkat tried to scowl, but Gamzee was on him again, kissing his throat and face. "Gamzee…" Karkat breathed softly.

Gamzee leaned back for a few seconds to strip himself of his shirt, before returned to the blushing Karkat. The two of them let their hands wander over each other's bodies, almost as if getting to know each other. Karkat had only ever seen Gamzee shirtless once. Gamzee had been at Karkat's hive when he just randomly threw his shirt off. Karkat thought he had been blushing because he was jealous of Gamzee's body structure, but now he thinks it might have been something else.

Karkat had little knowledge of what even took place during sex… or how he was supposed to feel. A weird, uncomfortable feeling lumped in the pit of his stomach at the thought of something going terrible wrong…

Karkat's hands tightened around Gamzee's shoulders and he pushed him back a little. Gamzee looked confused as he stopped touching the other troll.

"…Something wrong, Karkat?"

"…" Karkat blushed brightly. "What if I don't want this?"

"You looked all like you wanted it." Gamzee said with a smirk, but it faltered and he suddenly looked serious, "But if you don't want to do it, bro, you don't have to…"

Karkat looked up at his friend shyly. His blush spread across his entire face and he dug his nails into Gamzee's shoulders. Gamzee didn't even flinch.

"… I want this." Karkat said after a moment, "I have no idea what to do… but I want to find out with you, Gamzee."

Gamzee's eyes widened a little, but then he smiled.

"I want to, too motherfucker."

"G-Gamzee!" Karkat cried as the high-blood thrust into him. His movements were gentle and cautious, letting Karkat adjust. "It- feels so fucking weird…"

Gamzee smirked and leaned over to kiss him while he began to thrust harder. Karkat started making small mewling noises into their kiss as Gamzee pounded him harder and faster.

"G-GAMZEE!" He gasped loudly. Gamzee kissed down Karkat's neck and tried to aim for that spot again, but the thrust were getting sloppy. When Karkat cried out again, Gamzee bit down on his neck, breaking the skin slightly.

"Mother fuck, Gamzee!" Karkat shouted, "Yo-you fucki-ng b-b-" Gamzee kissed him before he could finish complaining. A few moments later, Karkat arched into Gamzee and cried out the highblood's name. He'd reached his climax, his body shivering from pleasure. The sight of Karkat reaching his limit made Gamzee reach his. He breathed Karkat's name and stayed in that position for a moment before dropping to Karkat's side.


"Yes, best friend?"

"…" Karkat turned to face Gamzee and cuddled into his side, hiding his face against Gamzee's chest.

"I love you too, Karkat."

When Karkat woke up, he found himself in Gamzee's nest, covered in slime. It was warm and comfortable, but he wanted to talk to Gamzee.

"G-Gamzee?" He called gently, peeking out of the nest around Gamzee's room.

"Yeaaa, motherfucker?" A voice answered from a doorway across the room. Gamzee stood there, shirtless, with his polka dot pajama pants on.

"…" Karkat blushed. "About last night…"

Gamzee smirked when Karkat trailed off. From behind his back, he brought out a bucket. On it was painted "KV + GM" in sopor slime. From the bucket dripped red and indigo liquid.

"Gamzee…What is that?" Karkat swallowed thickly.

"It's our love bucket."

"…" Karkat blushed furiously.
