maschio (61) da Farmington, New Mexico in cerca di femmina.

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Icebreaker ti aiuta a contattare nuovi utenti che ti interessano.


Che cosa è il Karma?

Corone d'Oro, Argento o Bronzo

Le Corone sui profili utente riflettono la reputazione e il comportamento dell'utente sulla piattaforma. Si guadagnano attraverso un utilizzo attivo e corretto del social network, contribuendo sui blog, con commenti e contenuti caricati. I Punti Corona sono assegnati o detratti in base al modo in cui gli altri utenti interagiscono con il tuo profilo e con il contenuto dello stesso.

Per mantenere un buon punteggio di reputazione è necessario interagire con gli altri profili in modo educato e rispettoso delle regole di condotta del sito.

Tipo di corporatura
Qualche chilo di troppo
Colore occhi
Sesso Tantrico
Su di me
55 yo, very eclectic sexual tastes. All languages of love, esp. French & Greek
Colore capelli
181-190 cm
Handyman - emphasis on the handy. I prefer to give, rather than receive. I like pampering ladies with their own, private spa day in their own home. A nice hot bath, sensual massage (including the yoni), and gentle massage with tongue and lips to the most sensitive areas, all accompanied by quiet music and nature sounds, give me all the pleasure I want or need. Her satisfaction is what satisfies me. Make it a time to be selfish, for I ask only the joy of bringing joy to you. There is no better feeling for me than to see a lady's face flushed with passion and filled with happiness. Filling you with such is fulfilling to me. I want to see you dripping in anticipation and moaning in release. I would like to lick the nectar from your rosebud and orchid. I would like for you to invite me back whenever you need more therapy.
Sul sito per
Sesso occasionale, Relazioni Discrete
Interessi sessuali
Sesso di coppia
Legato sentimentalmente e in cerca di divertimento discreto

baldfathairy è in Cerca di

Bianca/Caucasica, Ispanica, Indiana, Latina
Info sul Mio Partner Ideale
One who can receive without feeling compelled to reciprocate. One who will accept pleasure and understand that MY pleasure is in giving HER
pleasure. A lady who is in need of the gentle awakening of her potential for multiple orgasms and not in any hurry to have a session end. She should
be free to have me plesure her for more than a "quickie". I like to fix things that are broken or unappreciated. This is especially true of ladies. Does he pleasure YOU, or just use you for his selfish needs? Do you feel desired and fulfilled? Would you have a problem with receiving without being
expected or allowed to reciprocate? Can you handle only getting this once or twice a month, without demanding more than I can give? Think this
through carefully, before you reply.
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