femmina (37) da Atlanta, Idaho in cerca di maschio.

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Che cosa è il Karma?

Corone d'Oro, Argento o Bronzo

Le Corone sui profili utente riflettono la reputazione e il comportamento dell'utente sulla piattaforma. Si guadagnano attraverso un utilizzo attivo e corretto del social network, contribuendo sui blog, con commenti e contenuti caricati. I Punti Corona sono assegnati o detratti in base al modo in cui gli altri utenti interagiscono con il tuo profilo e con il contenuto dello stesso.

Per mantenere un buon punteggio di reputazione è necessario interagire con gli altri profili in modo educato e rispettoso delle regole di condotta del sito.

Su di me
My name is Nadia, Im 20, im somewhat shy at first but once you get to know me im very open. I speak whats on my mind most of the time. Im very expressive, most say i wear my heart on my sleeve. Most of the time ill give anything a try before i say flat out no. Im pretty laid back, go with the flow kind of person. i want to say im not really looking for love but if it comes my way ill welcome it with open and loving arms. If it doesn't then ill enjoy the ride on the way. Im easy to get along with, im sarcastic and will do almost anything to put a smile on peoples faces.i use writing as a way of expressing myself. i enjoy exploring, trying out new things, i also enjoy being challenged and also just being lazy and watching movies at home. In truth i want to explore the world and her wonderful beauties before we destroy what was meant to be left alone. i am a lesbian and im proud of it. its a part of my life that i refuse to hide and nothing or no one can change that.
Blair Pittman

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