femmina (39) da Yuma, Arizona in cerca di maschio.

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Che cosa è il Karma?

Corone d'Oro, Argento o Bronzo

Le Corone sui profili utente riflettono la reputazione e il comportamento dell'utente sulla piattaforma. Si guadagnano attraverso un utilizzo attivo e corretto del social network, contribuendo sui blog, con commenti e contenuti caricati. I Punti Corona sono assegnati o detratti in base al modo in cui gli altri utenti interagiscono con il tuo profilo e con il contenuto dello stesso.

Per mantenere un buon punteggio di reputazione è necessario interagire con gli altri profili in modo educato e rispettoso delle regole di condotta del sito.

Tipo di corporatura
Consumo di Alcool
Solo in Compagnia
Master universitario
Colore occhi
Occhi Bendati, Bondage e dominazione, Giochi col cibo, Tacchi alti, Vestiti in Pelle, Giochi di ruolo, Rasata, Tatuaggi, Voyeurismo
Su di me
I'm a very active person and love to have fun, adventurous in many ways, lived in other countries so have an expanded view on life. When you learn something from people, or from a culture, you accept it as a gift, and it's your lifelong commitment to preserve it and build on it. I enjoy the simplicity of life most. I am responsible,with good morals, a good cook, not afraid to show affection in public. Smiling and being happy in all I do is who I am. Looking for a forever relationship as relationship hopping isn't for me. Would love to begin as friends and take things naturally as they are suppose to be.

I Love traveling both short and long trips. I enjoy being at home or can be away whatever the situation calls for. I like dining out, yet I can cook and will for an appreciative person but will not make it a habit until I'm married to someone. I work and have little time to do a lot of things but can make time for the person I should get involved with. That'd be the most important factor in my life should that happen. One is that you have to take time, lots of time, to let an idea grow from within. The second is that when you sign on to something, there'll be issues of trust, deep trust, the way the members of a string quartet have to trust one another. It'd have to be someone that totally interest me and would make me happy and I in return would do the same for him.

I like to do anything that's fun, from the sea to the mountains, from museums to films to a night out on the town. I like slow times at home with a video and somebody to snuggle with. Past lovers would classify me as very passionate and very sensual with a good imagination.

I'm young at heart and it shows. Ask me to go to a concert and I'm there. Don't be surprised if I climb a tree to view the surrounding from a different perspective. If you're embarassed, I might not be for you; if you climb the tree with me, you're definately for me. If you run when it rains, I won't follow; if you kiss me in the rain, I may fall in love with you.

I believe that, if two people are predestined for each other, they'll find each other despite of distance and time for true love waits forever.

Be Content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there's nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.

When you've clear goals and stick to them, intuition and "right action" is automatically engaged. You become aware of these natural gifts in an organic way.

Take what's useful and in line with your beliefs and leave the rest. The best students of intuition and life sort through what is useful for them or their "market" in any modality or teaching and leave the rest behind.

Beliefs are any ideas you think are true about yourself, others, and life. Many of the beliefs you hold today, are the result of a) what your parents/guardians believed, b) what your friends believed and/or c) what you've been told is true by a perceived authority.

Unfortunately, some of those beliefs aren't helping you in your life. What if you looked at yourself as the accumulation of all the beliefs you’ve been exposed to and took on as our own. And what if you made a vow to rebuild yourself with new more useful beliefs? What belief system would you build?

Would it be one that supported your desires and wants? One that gave you the greatest freedom? Encouraged happiness? Some beliefs are counter-productive to what you say you want. Wouldn't it be nice to identify those beliefs? Examine them for validity? There are so many self-defeating beliefs but here are just a few I've identified in myself and others. Do you believe any of the following?

Self Defeating Beliefs

I don't have time to do what I want.

I can't change. This is just the way I am.

I'd be selfish if I focused on my desires.

I have to be realistic. People who are optimistic aren't realistic.

I have to have [love, sex, new car, money, etc] to be happy.

No pain, no gain.

You have to do some things in this life you don't want to do.

You can’t have your cake and eat it too.

If my happiness was a priority, I'd be inconsiderate of others.

Parents spend the first part of our lives teaching us to walk and talk, and the rest of it telling us to sit down and shut up.

It's a dog-eat-dog world out there. A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on.

Changing the beliefs that are causing you pain is where the rubber really hits the road. If you are serious about wanting to turn your life around, you're going to have to go beyond simply reading. You will not experience any lasting change reading about ideas. Oh, I'm all for ideas. I love to read too. But real change doesn't happen until it's personal.

I've always been an avid reader, and for a while I was interested in poetry, fiction, and Old Shakespearean English, French, and Russian Literature. These days I don't read much fiction, but I still read a lot. I read anything from Stephen King, Anne Rice, Raymond Feist, George Orwell, Things like that. I love reading books and magazines that are Science-related, esp. psychology (social/personality/brain), health (stress/exercise) and travel books and magazines. I was on the bus one time, sitting on a newspaper, and a guy comes over and asks ‘Are you reading that?" I didn’t know what to say. So I said yes. I stood up, turned the page, and sat down again.

The greatest gift is a passion for reading. It's cheap, it consoles, it distracts, it excites, it gives you knowledge of the world and experience of a wide kind. It's a moral illumination.

When we're unable to find tranquility within ourselves, it's useless to seek it elsewhere. Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between two deep breaths. The quieter you become, the more you can hear.

There's more to life than increasing its speed. For fast-acting relief try slowing down. Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop.

Nothing is permanent in this wicked world – not even our troubles.

I've always regarded nature as the clothing of God.

I believe that global awareness makes a person smarter and ultimately more human. I'm grossed out by what some "news" outlets masquerade as news. It seems that so many of these outlets cover international stories only when there's catastrophe or war. It's a shame. There are so many fascinating people doing important things out there, yet aren't given recognition.

I'm always fascinated by lists of "Most Powerful People," and by the ways they use external things—fame, status, wealth—to define and rank power. It's curious how a person can go from the top of a list one year to unlisted the next—all in the … of a board meeting. Was that person's power real, or was the power only in the position? We often get the two confused.

For me, there's no real power without spiritual power. A power that comes from the core of who you are and reflects all that you were meant to be. A power that's connected to the source of things. When you see this kind of power shining through someone in all its truth and certainty, it's elevating, inspiring, and irresistible. I can feel it in myself sometimes, mostly when I'm sharing an insight that I know will have an impact on someone's life and I can see that they "get it." I get real joy from helping other people experience aha moments. That's where my power lies.

When we align our actions, emotions, and thoughts with the highest part of ourselves, we're filled with enthusiasm, purpose, and meaning. When the personality comes fully to serve the energy of its soul, that's authentic empowerment. Fulfilling your purpose, with meaning, is what gives you that electrifying "juice" and makes people stand in wonder at how you do it.

The secret is alignment: when you know for sure that you're on course and doing exactly what you're supposed to be doing, fulfilling your soul's intention, your heart's desire, or whatever you choose to call it (they're all the same thing). When your life is on course with its purpose, you're your most powerful. And you may stumble, but you'll not fall.

I know for sure that in every challenging experience there's an opportunity to enhance your life, grow, or learn something invaluable about yourself. Every challenge can make you stronger if you allow it. Strength multiplied = power.

If you see a difference between where you are and where you want to be - consciously change - your thoughts, words, and actions to match your grandest vision.

This might require tremendous mental and physical effort. It will entail constant, moment-to-moment monitoring of your every thought, word, and deed. It will involve continued choice-making - consciously. This whole process is a massive move to consciousness. What you will find out if you undertake this challenge is that you've spent half your life … That is to say, unaware on a conscious level of what you are choosing in the way of thoughts, words, and deeds until you experience the aftermath of them. Then, when you experience these results, you deny that your thoughts, words, and deeds had anything to do with them.

Music, as always, is my passion. It's "sound organized in time." It's always a question of learning that music is a beautiful, beautiful part of life and it shouldn't be overly judged or caved into emotionally. It's a part of life. If you want to make beautiful music, you must play the black and the white notes together. I think I should have no other mortal wants, if I could always have plenty of music. It seems to infuse strength into my limbs and ideas into my brain. Life seems to go on without effort, when I'm filled with music.

Music is an experience, and people should experience it on their own. Basically, you're surviving, your life is a question of survival and you maintain a standard of music over the years and you keep going.

My music is about the journey, about love and the human experience. I listened hard but couldn't see. Life tempo change out and inside me. Music has always been transnational; people pick up whatever interests them, and certainly a lot of classical music has absorbed influences from all over the world.

I'm more into the Pop/Classic Rock genre, With no interest for gangster rap or thrash metal and I can only find country (at very seldom times), mildly tolerable. Bands that I'm into consists of: Black Label Society, Pantera, Disturbed, Godsmack, Judas Priest, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Dave Matthews And The Band, Dream Theater, Jimi Hendrix, and many more. This list could go on for decades so I'm going to cut short here .

I like pretty much all types of music, and I don't let any of it define me as a person. Those who do, should get a fork in their ear, because you suck at life. While still in the vein of music, I also play the piano and classical violin. Although out of the two, I enjoy playing violin the most and is what I am most passionate with. Without music, the world is just a ball of dirt spinning aimlessly through empty spaces.

In regards to movies, I enjoy comedies and movies of real life issues dealing with the trials and tribulations of life. I like to watch humanistic films that are dealing with something important. I also enjoy watching horror. If you see an intense big-budget movie, you know that actor really sacrificed for that movie. Some movies I see today have the most dramatic plot points but the actors aren't playing them dramatically. So why do people keep on watching? The answer, by now, should be perfectly obvious: we love television because television brings us a world in which television doesn't exist. In fact, deep in their hearts, this is what the spuds crave most: a rich, new, participatory life. Television is where you watch people in your living room that you wouldn't want near your house.

I've a deep interests in mysteries, photography, star-gazing, philosophy, and my list goes on. And because I'm into doing many different types of things...most likely you'll have something in common with me.

I believe in being completely open and honest about everything in a relationship because without complete trust and honesty there's no relationship. I'm very direct, open and honest and expect the same in a partner, friend, lover or even an ex-husband!

Pure love is a flood Which covers all things. Nothing can stand against it.
Colore capelli
181-190 cm
meno di 7.000 €
Interessi comuni
Libri/Dibattiti culturali, Campeggio, Cucina, Mangiare al Ristorante, Giardinaggio/Architettura paesaggistica , Locali notturni/Ballo, Spettacoli Artistici, Politica
Inglese, Olandese, Tedesco, Altro
Interessi sessuali
Scambio di foto ed e-mail

yagot2tryit1st è in Cerca di

Tipo di corporatura
Consumo di Alcool
Mai, Raramente, Solo in Compagnia
Laurea universitaria, Laurea, Master universitario, Dottorato/Post dottorato
Bianca/Caucasica, Indiana Orientale, Ispanica, Indiana, Latina, Mediterranea, Medio-orientale, Mista
Colore occhi
Blu, Verde, Grigio
Info sul Mio Partner Ideale
Sometimes, it’s very hard to know if the man a woman is dating is a loser. He may put on a “nice-guy” persona in the beginning, but won’t reveal his true self until a few dates in. Here are four ways for a woman to spot his jerk-factor on the first date!

He treats the waiter with disrespect. The way he treats other people is very telling of his personality. If your server gets him the wrong drink or forgets his starter salad, check for his reaction. Is he understanding and blasé about these mistakes? Or does he get irate and go on and on about the waiter’s ineptitude for the rest of the evening? If it’s the latter, be ready to bolt.

His eyes and mind wander. If a man is really into meeting and getting to know you, he’ll be hanging on your every word and asking you questions. If you sense his attention isn’t all there (i.e. he asks you to repeat yourself, has an empty look on his face) and he’s checking out his surroundings instead of you, cut him loose.

He’s more interested in himself than you. Yes, you want to hear anecdotes about him. Yes, you want to get to know him. But is he doing all the talking, waxing poetic about how awesome he is, without letting you get a word in edgewise? (Except for, of course, agreeing on how great he is.) If so, he could care less about getting to know you.

He “forgot” his wallet. Whether you assumed he’d pay, you’d split the bill, or figured you’d be paying since you did the asking out (you're a modern woman, after all), the fact that he didn’t come with cash means he pretty much was banking on you footing the bill. In short: he's a moocher and you don’t need him. (He’s an even bigger jerk if he orders the most expensive item off the menu before admitting his wallet-less state.)

What I look for in a person, which isn't to say that I'm here looking for anyone. But to answer, I want what every woman wants: An attractive man, toned, good hygiene, passionate, honest, sincere, down to earth, unselfish, smart, able to discuss and have a point of view in many topics and issues.

I consider myself a work in progress which I intend to continue without fail and hope to grow each day from the next. I dislike those pretending to be someone they are not. Shallowness is a turnoff no matter the outwardly beauty. I'm attracted to men of substance, something to say and a point of view they can justify or at least argue it logically. I've found that depth of character is an aphrodisiac. A man with deep feelings and thoughts empowers an attraction that is difficult to ignore. I'm drawn to spiritual people and kindness of heart.

Some things I'm not fond of are:

People who watch TV or play video games all day
People who are liars
People who have addiction problems
People who are manipulate.
Men with egos bigger than their penis size.
Labels on designer jeans and people.

Today's culture of meeting other people is one of immediacy and intimacy. There are so many opportunities to meet people through mobility and the Internet, which has also allowed people to tell all about their lives, however mundane most of it is. Settling for one person seems archaic.

The more opportunities to meet people, the harder to please the seekers are. This goes for both men and women. I think women are more materialistic now, and attributes like good looks and money are of paramount importance. Those who don't have them are left behind because there are so many more choices than in generations past. These are sweeping generalizations, of course. Women grouse just as much about noncommittal men. Be patient in finding someone. There normally comes a time in life when people want to seek out one person. You just never know when that time is. Most people have no trouble meeting others of the opposite sex, eventually you'll find one who's honest and cares for you. Meanwhile, enjoy the search. But, most people need to approach dating a bit differently. Just go out, have fun and don't put so much pressure on yourself to find the perfect one. If you start hanging out with those of the opposite sex more as friends, you'll eventually find that special someone who likes you and you like her/him, and it will develop into something.

Be patient. Relax. Don't look specifically for a girlfriend/boyfriend or husband/wife, because that just brings pressure. It will happen, just give it time. Good luck!

I'm looking for someone that's young at heart, spontaneous and likes to be cared for and adored. Someone that's open and honest in all aspects of her desires and feelings and will feel comfortable sharing her life with me. I'm not looking for someone that's perfect as there's no such thing. After all, we're all human.

Finally, when communicating with me, tell me a little something about yourself. Don't just click the "winks" or the "invite to network" button and expect a speedy reply. After all, if you genuinely want to know something from me, then at least make the overture to send a personal note about yourself and what you're looking for along to me too. And include a photo or two of your face of what you look like. I'm honest enough to put myself out there, so you should too.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you're a scammer and the first thing you're going to do is tell me you love me, your mother's sick and you need money, or a plane ticket, then pass me by and don't waste my time. I love life and genuine people. I don't indulge in fakery or flim flam, as life is too short. If I even get a hint that you're trying to scam me I'll report you to the Webmaster and have your profile removed as I've been literally inundated with all manner of schemes and scams from alleged women in need.

Whatever the color of your skin may be or the hardships you have to face in your life, friendship and music are two keys to escape from the wrong path. For those who took care of me, for those who are dead now, for those who succeeded in their professional life, for those who are parents...thanks for the memories and for having me become the woman I am today.

I don't care whether you're driving a hybrid or an SUV. If you're headed for a cliff, you have to change direction. That's what the American people called for when they voted for Obama for president.

I like to keep fit and am looking for a person who likes to do the same. Integrity, a strong sense of humor, the ability and willingness to communicate, strength and intelligence are also among the things I’m looking for. Someone who is interested in spending some time together and getting to know someone. I don't have great expectations for a long term relationship, but I'd be willing to consider it with the right person.

I found that those who "blog" are the true diamonds of this site. It's here where you learn about the person, their thoughts and true feelings and even a standard member can interact through "blogging". So, if you're reading my profile, then you're searching for something. Take my advice; read the blogs and find the person you search. If you want a quick lay, you'll soon learn that women rule in sites such as these for men are like rats to the cheese. I'm trying to carve my own path here. While doing so, have learned that there are great people here. One just needs to learn where to search. Don't always take the easy way, read the blogs, will take longer but the journey will be worth while and rewarding. Still, a woman can get laid by any man here; the "cheese" factor I mentioned above. If that's what you search - Have at it. We all need to feed. If you feel the same way, email me and let's talk.

Good luck in your search and thank you for taking the time to read my profile.
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Ramato, Calvo, Nero, Biondo, Castano, Castano chiaro, Rosso, Bianco/Grigio
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