femmina (35) da Lexington, Massachusetts in cerca di maschio.
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Corone d'Oro, Argento o Bronzo
Le Corone sui profili utente riflettono la reputazione e il comportamento dell'utente sulla piattaforma. Si guadagnano attraverso un utilizzo attivo e corretto del social network, contribuendo sui blog, con commenti e contenuti caricati. I Punti Corona sono assegnati o detratti in base al modo in cui gli altri utenti interagiscono con il tuo profilo e con il contenuto dello stesso.
Per mantenere un buon punteggio di reputazione è necessario interagire con gli altri profili in modo educato e rispettoso delle regole di condotta del sito.
Su di me
i am who i am, your approval isn't needed..age doesnt always determine maturity..
i absolutely love snowboarding
love to work out and stay in shape
doesnt take much to keep me happy
im a simple girl and very laidback
i'd wear sweats or a guys shirt over dressin up anyday
i like to be girly but not into the prissy shit
i'd smash you at some pong, well...try ha
i tend to have more guy friends
love the beach and the mountain
i make stupid things fun
i make mistakes, but try to learn from them
laughter and love are what my life is made of..
i can be pretty wild and weird, and admit it proudly
i absolutely love snowboarding
love to work out and stay in shape
doesnt take much to keep me happy
im a simple girl and very laidback
i'd wear sweats or a guys shirt over dressin up anyday
i like to be girly but not into the prissy shit
i'd smash you at some pong, well...try ha
i tend to have more guy friends
love the beach and the mountain
i make stupid things fun
i make mistakes, but try to learn from them
laughter and love are what my life is made of..
i can be pretty wild and weird, and admit it proudly
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