maschio (57) da Suffolk, Virginia in cerca di femmina.

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Che cosa è il Karma?

Corone d'Oro, Argento o Bronzo

Le Corone sui profili utente riflettono la reputazione e il comportamento dell'utente sulla piattaforma. Si guadagnano attraverso un utilizzo attivo e corretto del social network, contribuendo sui blog, con commenti e contenuti caricati. I Punti Corona sono assegnati o detratti in base al modo in cui gli altri utenti interagiscono con il tuo profilo e con il contenuto dello stesso.

Per mantenere un buon punteggio di reputazione è necessario interagire con gli altri profili in modo educato e rispettoso delle regole di condotta del sito.

Tipo di corporatura
Nella media
Consumo di Alcool
Solo in Compagnia
Laurea universitaria
Colore occhi
Tette grosse, Tatuaggi
Su di me
Hmmmmm... what to say here. For starters, I'm getting tired of the only one's having sex at my place are the fucking cats! That said, If I had a nickle for everytime a female friend said, "Tom, your a great guy." I wouldn't have to work for a living. But that and 8 bucks will get you a Vente Vanilla Cappuccino at Starbuck's. I was married twice, first was a whore, she helped me realize that friends are overated and will fuck you wife without consideration, so my circle is small. Second was a real woman, faithful to a fault. If only the first had passed away instead. I'm an old school romantic, … honest and expect the same, well versed in the "little things" and in case your interested I NEVER leave the … seat up. Nearly everything that frustrates most ppl, I find amusing/ hilarious. If you need more info, come at me.

About My Match
Like most men on here, I didn't pour my hard earned money into this site to not meet ppl. If a online relationship or sex chat is what you're about, I'm sure there are plenty of "Catfish" out there looking for the opportunity to not meet you, but I'm not that guy, I'm a old school romantic, I like to cuddle through a movie or just because we feel like it, take walks on the beach without having to open my phone and crack a joke that doesn't require a "lol" but to actually hear and see a "pmsl". That said, good luck to you.
Colore capelli
Castano chiaro
171-180 cm
40.000 - 60.000 €
Interessi comuni
Sul sito per
Sesso occasionale, Amici, Relazioni Discrete, Divertimento online, Per insegnare e imparare
Interessi sessuali
Sesso di coppia, Scambio di foto ed e-mail

tyarnell7932 è in Cerca di

Info sul Mio Partner Ideale
For starters; location is important as I am not able or willing to relocate. She has to be bad ass and sexy in my eyes (and I'm not talking about a fucking model....ew) I mean someone that believes in the ";Fuck em if they can't take a joke and joke em if they can't take a fuck" philosophy and if she happens to have a little extra meat on her bones.... yummy. Must be 420 friendly and be able to hold her own in any conversation. Must be open to cuddle up to a movie or fucking on the beach or wherever the mood hits us. Owning stock in Microsoft, Apple or Google would be a plus, LOL. Not really, fuck those ppl. Anywho, if I haven't totally freaked you out hit me up and if not. Fuck off and have a wonderful fucking day. Lol
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