Tipo di corporatura
Magro, Nella media, Atletico
Consumo di Alcool
Mai, Raramente, Solo in Compagnia, Spesso, Molto spesso, Sto tentando di smettere, Ho smesso
Scuola Superiore, Frequenza universitaria senza laurea, Attualmente studente, Laurea universitaria, Laurea, Master universitario, Dottorato/Post dottorato, Scuola di Vita
Africana, Afroamericana, Asiatica, Bianca/Caucasica, Indiana Orientale, Ispanica, Indiana, Latina, Mediterranea, Medio-orientale, Mista
Colore occhi
Nero, Blu, Marrone, Verde, Grigio
Info sul Mio Partner Ideale
For our first date, Cassie and I would like to take you out for a nice cheap dinner. I'll chew with my mouth open and talk too much, while Cassie's rotten attitude and catty demeanor will probably leave you wishing you hadn't skipped out on American Idol night with your boyfriend. I'll tell you now that we'll make up for all that by the climax of the evening, but we won't. We've never done anything like this before, so the evening will probably end awkwardly with a somewhat iffy, three(or4)-way, hug/kiss on the cheek.
Really though! We're looking for someone easy going that knows how to have a good times, obviously. We're not as shallow as we sound, but they must be beautiful as well. Preferably, someone we can have a few drink with and let it ride.
Colore capelli
Ramato, Calvo, Nero, Biondo, Castano, Castano chiaro, Rosso, Bianco/Grigio, Altro
140cm o meno, 141-150 cm, 151-160 cm
meno di 7.000 €, 7.000 - 20.000 €, 20.000 - 40.000 €, 40.000 - 60.000 €, 60.000 - 100.000 €, 100.000 - 150.000 €, 150.000 - 400.000 €, Ok, ho un SACCO di soldi
Sto cercando...
femmina, coppia
Mai, Raramente, Solo in Compagnia, Spesso, Molto spesso, Sto tentando di smettere, Ho smesso