Blog di M5luvnlyfe




See this the petty bs i was talking about. Another man making a female pro bcuz his ass brike as a joke....blocked and blocked again both pros 😂😂😂😂


  • NakedBoyWonder: I'm ashamed hes from Georgia lol
  • M5luvnlyfe: Lol or @least thats where he says hes from. Can never b 2 sure when they making pros like that
  • AChocolateDream: Oh that's some bullsh.. I heard about that type of thing, but never seen it...Tragic.
  • AChocolateDream: ..and let me guess, if YOU were to reach out and ask about it, you'd get the 'it got selected by MISTAKE..', line.
  • M5luvnlyfe: Didnt wait 4 any excuse his pic gave it away plus the msg he sent made me go look b4 adding cuz i wondered if it was another stolen pic on a pro lol
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