nő (36) a Downey, California helyről, aki férfi partnert keres.
Nem használok Icebreaker ahhoz, hogy kapcsolatot teremtsek az emberekkel.
Icebreaker segít, hogy kapcsolatot létesíts azokkal, akik érdekelnek.
zaida felhasználóról
Bronz, ezüst és arany korona
A tagok profilján lévő koronák a hírnevüket és az oldalon mutatott viselkedésüket tükrözik. Ezek automatikusan kerülnek generálásra az aktívitás, a blogbejegyzések, megjegyzések, a státuszok és a képek alapján, valamint a hírnévpontok odaítélése szerint, melyeket az alapján kapsz, vagy vonnak meg tőled, hogy a többi tag hogyan lép interakcióba a profiloddal, és ennek tartalmával.
Azzal kerülheted el hírneved sérülését, ha udvariasan és tiszteletteljesen bánsz más tagokkal, ha becsületesen használod a profilodat és nem szeged meg az oldal használatának a szabályzatát.
Im zaida, 22 year old female...
I live in a really small town..
I don't judge on first impressions, I give everyone a chance..
I absolutely love to have fun..
I love my friends, and people in this world I'm always with them, we do everything together from hanging out, to shopping, swimming, and some naughty things.
I love to laugh, but almost always laugh at the wrong times..I'm a huge people person..
I talk to everyone that I meet..I'm completely addicted to sweet tea and my cell phone.. I'm a bad girl sometimes , well its me!I am ORIGINAL and very proud to give myself that title..
I care about others,I don't care what others think about me.,but could live my life to please those around me,If you wanna know anything else you'll have to ask me...
I love you! if you want me! just get me!
I live in a really small town..
I don't judge on first impressions, I give everyone a chance..
I absolutely love to have fun..
I love my friends, and people in this world I'm always with them, we do everything together from hanging out, to shopping, swimming, and some naughty things.
I love to laugh, but almost always laugh at the wrong times..I'm a huge people person..
I talk to everyone that I meet..I'm completely addicted to sweet tea and my cell phone.. I'm a bad girl sometimes , well its me!I am ORIGINAL and very proud to give myself that title..
I care about others,I don't care what others think about me.,but could live my life to please those around me,If you wanna know anything else you'll have to ask me...
I love you! if you want me! just get me!
zaida által keresett
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