(38) a Santa Monica, California helyről, aki férfi partnert keres.

Nem használok Icebreaker ahhoz, hogy kapcsolatot teremtsek az emberekkel.

Icebreaker segít, hogy kapcsolatot létesíts azokkal, akik érdekelnek.

sarahbaby90 felhasználóról

Mi a karma?

Bronz, ezüst és arany korona

A tagok profilján lévő koronák a hírnevüket és az oldalon mutatott viselkedésüket tükrözik. Ezek automatikusan kerülnek generálásra az aktívitás, a blogbejegyzések, megjegyzések, a státuszok és a képek alapján, valamint a hírnévpontok odaítélése szerint, melyeket az alapján kapsz, vagy vonnak meg tőled, hogy a többi tag hogyan lép interakcióba a profiloddal, és ennek tartalmával.

Azzal kerülheted el hírneved sérülését, ha udvariasan és tiszteletteljesen bánsz más tagokkal, ha becsületesen használod a profilodat és nem szeged meg az oldal használatának a szabályzatát.

I am a sexy and beautiful girl. I am confident in myself because since my teenage years I saw looks in men eyes saying "You look great!" But I know that appearance is not everything and if a person does not possess other good qualities then it won't be easy for him or her to find a second half. I know that I am kind and smart young woman.I am mature and serious but you would have a lot of fun just being around me.I am a cheerful girl with fine sense of humor and cheerful nature.I like to spend a lot of time with my friends and family. I know that I am ready to have serious relations and for this reason I feel absolute resoluteness and confidence having made this step. I guess I am kind of girl that you can be proud of to show your mom,your best friend and your ex-girlfriend. romantic person and love to laugh.I am optimistic, cheerful, quiet, sociable and my friends say also, that I am responsible, cautious both very sincere and sensitive. I have active way of life and universal interests. I am interested in, social actions, business, traveling and sports meets. I like to dance, pull, I spend time with the friends.I enjoy also new meetings with interesting people and communications with them. I like the nature much, and it always - pleasure for me to spend time on it. I love the sea and the sun, and I dream to go. I love this life, and I am very happy to live. I would like to share my happiness with my beloved, which I hope to meet one day and to found very happy family...

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