(36) a Melbourne, Australia helyről, aki férfi, pár partnert keres.

Nem használok Icebreaker ahhoz, hogy kapcsolatot teremtsek az emberekkel.

Icebreaker segít, hogy kapcsolatot létesíts azokkal, akik érdekelnek.

najhsdjs felhasználóról

Mi a karma?

Bronz, ezüst és arany korona

A tagok profilján lévő koronák a hírnevüket és az oldalon mutatott viselkedésüket tükrözik. Ezek automatikusan kerülnek generálásra az aktívitás, a blogbejegyzések, megjegyzések, a státuszok és a képek alapján, valamint a hírnévpontok odaítélése szerint, melyeket az alapján kapsz, vagy vonnak meg tőled, hogy a többi tag hogyan lép interakcióba a profiloddal, és ennek tartalmával.

Azzal kerülheted el hírneved sérülését, ha udvariasan és tiszteletteljesen bánsz más tagokkal, ha becsületesen használod a profilodat és nem szeged meg az oldal használatának a szabályzatát.

i dont know what to say about myself,,only i know that im just a simple lady,,that wants to have a better life,,and share my blessings to my family and to others,,but if you really wanna know me better,,,we can be friends,,!tell me who you are and i tell you who i am.. i am confident, self assured, and capable. i am not easily intimidated. i am master any and all skills easily. i don't have to work hard for what i want. i make my life out to be exactly how i want it. And i will knock down anyone who gets in your way! i tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy for me to get excited... which can be a good or bad thing. i have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. i don't stick with any one thing for very long. i have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. my biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start. i am very open. You communicate well, and i connect with other people easily. i am a naturally creative person. Ideas just flow from my mind. A true chameleon, i have many things at different points in your life. i am very adaptable. i am truly an original person. i have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out. Success comes rather easily for me... especially in business and academia. Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. i am a strong person. i am friendly, charming,and warm. i get along with almost everyone. i work hard not to rock the boat. i am easy going attitude brings people together. At times, i can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, i pull it together i am relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow. I am light hearted and accepting. I don't get worked up easily. Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what my secret to life is.

najhsdjs által keresett

Keresett partner
férfi, pár