nő (30) a Las Vegas, Nevada helyről, aki nő, férfi partnert keres.
Én a Icebreaker lehetőséget használom arra, hogy másokkal találkozzak.
Icebreaker segít, hogy kapcsolatot létesíts azokkal, akik érdekelnek.
eatme6942 felhasználóról
Bronz, ezüst és arany korona
A tagok profilján lévő koronák a hírnevüket és az oldalon mutatott viselkedésüket tükrözik. Ezek automatikusan kerülnek generálásra az aktívitás, a blogbejegyzések, megjegyzések, a státuszok és a képek alapján, valamint a hírnévpontok odaítélése szerint, melyeket az alapján kapsz, vagy vonnak meg tőled, hogy a többi tag hogyan lép interakcióba a profiloddal, és ennek tartalmával.
Azzal kerülheted el hírneved sérülését, ha udvariasan és tiszteletteljesen bánsz más tagokkal, ha becsületesen használod a profilodat és nem szeged meg az oldal használatának a szabályzatát.
Let's just face it.. We both know the last reason ur on this site is cause you want to know "about me" let alone anyone elses profile you happen to veiw on here .. & Don't even act as if telling you about myself is what brought me here either. Soo put all the bullshit aside. Just be straight up about what you want. As will I. Hopefully then we'll find satisfaction in whatever it was we came here looking for to begin with (;
Lets hear the facts. And speak the truth. Perhapes, something that will actually lead to a real conversation in which we both find interest in.. Or some stupid shit like that, right..?? So don't waste your time nor mine pretending that my vagina and other lady parts are exactly what landed you here. Sooo I wanna know what exactly brought you to this website?? What is it you seek/desire? And what exactly attracted you to my profile??? ?
(My desires are that i need my pussy ate right for once. I'm so sick of not being satisfied sexually. to the point of half of my time I spend being passed the fuck off at the fact that the floor is on the floor.. Where it's supposed to be.. Type shiet!! (;
Lets hear the facts. And speak the truth. Perhapes, something that will actually lead to a real conversation in which we both find interest in.. Or some stupid shit like that, right..?? So don't waste your time nor mine pretending that my vagina and other lady parts are exactly what landed you here. Sooo I wanna know what exactly brought you to this website?? What is it you seek/desire? And what exactly attracted you to my profile??? ?
(My desires are that i need my pussy ate right for once. I'm so sick of not being satisfied sexually. to the point of half of my time I spend being passed the fuck off at the fact that the floor is on the floor.. Where it's supposed to be.. Type shiet!! (;
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nő, férfi