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A tagok profilján lévő koronák a hírnevüket és az oldalon mutatott viselkedésüket tükrözik. Ezek automatikusan kerülnek generálásra az aktívitás, a blogbejegyzések, megjegyzések, a státuszok és a képek alapján, valamint a hírnévpontok odaítélése szerint, melyeket az alapján kapsz, vagy vonnak meg tőled, hogy a többi tag hogyan lép interakcióba a profiloddal, és ennek tartalmával.

Azzal kerülheted el hírneved sérülését, ha udvariasan és tiszteletteljesen bánsz más tagokkal, ha becsületesen használod a profilodat és nem szeged meg az oldal használatának a szabályzatát.

Honest to goodness, you've got to meet someone like me at least once in your life! I won't tell you that I like traveling, walks on the beach, and having fun. You've probably read hundreds of such profiles that really tell you nothing about the person. Instead, I will give you some insight into my unique personality. If you spend the next minute reading my profile, you may want to spend the rest of your life with me! My quest to find a great match shouldn't be this tough, because I'm not very picky. Really! I can make you smile because I can bring out the best in people. You are about to meet someone who can be your best friend and lover. Do you want to meet someone who knows what women want? My friends say that I am the best friend that anyone could have. If there is one thing you should know about me, it is that I am not as picky as you might think . I firmly believe that life is meant to be enjoyed. My life motto is: learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. Physically, I think my best feature is my smile. Mentally, I think my best attribute is my charm. I know that I am not perfect, but you'll probably like me, anyway. If I wanted to impress you, I would be myself. If I were to compose a list of the top ten reasons to date me, one of them would surely be that I am very warm and loving. You've probably seen the profiles of many other appealing people, and you may wonder, "With so many to choose from, how can I decide?" Let me help you with that one. I think that I am especially desirable
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