sheela1048Hot tranny bitch, a chick with a dick !!!

(39) a Bronx, New York helyről, aki nő, férfi partnert keres.

Nem használok Icebreaker ahhoz, hogy kapcsolatot teremtsek az emberekkel.

Icebreaker segít, hogy kapcsolatot létesíts azokkal, akik érdekelnek.

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Ajándék küldése

Why are the men crying about theirs no pussi on this site

Hmmmm let’s examine this, some like attention, by posting pics, and smiling at the comments getting their ego’s boosted, some are scared their gonna get burnt with the monster, and you can’t blame them, and their just might be a few chicks that are fucking and it’s their right not to talk about it. LoL and the trannys chicks except me because am getting dick on here, i like to add some pussi to the mix.. so the best I can say dudes don’t feel bad because their some real chicks anit getting no dick or tranny Dic..

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Stupid horny dummy’s

Wow I can’t believe how dumb dudes are I post pics I got a fem body with a dick hanging and the fuckers to sending corny msg and oneass hole had the nerve to block me, I don’t to sweat no dam dick, you can’t read or have eyes to see don’t blame me


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I wish dudes would look at my pics first am a dam tranny fuck !!!!!!!!! I anit hiding shit...
  • sheela1048: Half of these real girls anit doing no fucking their are fronting..
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