
(36) a Costa Mesa, California helyről, aki férfi partnert keres.

Nem használok Icebreaker ahhoz, hogy kapcsolatot teremtsek az emberekkel.

Icebreaker segít, hogy kapcsolatot létesíts azokkal, akik érdekelnek.

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Ajándék küldése
  • pc55metric: I'm in newPort Beach for business and play. I would enjoy your company for drinks dinner and play tonight torrid and Friday. I don't know the …
  • Experimentingtogether: My happiness would be to spend 5 or 6 days per week, two or more hours a visit with my good sex buddy. Enjoying talking, kissing, touching, tasting, and looking at each other’s bodies. Trying to pleasure each other and making small talk.
  • Experimentingtogether: So what does it take to meet you in person?
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