datazzthoTheresa Nemrégiben online

(39) a Manchester, Connecticut helyről, aki nő, férfi partnert keres.

Én a Icebreaker lehetőséget használom arra, hogy másokkal találkozzak.

Icebreaker segít, hogy kapcsolatot létesíts azokkal, akik érdekelnek.

Csevegés elindítása
Ajándék küldése

So bored

Dear fuckbook,

This site kind of sucks. I am so bored. Have not met anyone yet. All I am looking for is one long term fwb. I don't want to meet a shitload of people. I'd settle for one fine ass fem or a long, thick, and juicy dick. Not together. No threesomes. Where are the serious people that haven't fucked everyone on the book?!

A hozzászólás sikeres megosztásra került.
Soooo bored!!!
A hozzászólás sikeres megosztásra került.


Dear Fuckbook 

I wonder if you can find a new man or girl on here. Could Fuckbook save me from the single life? Eh guess I'll settle for a long term fwb. 

A hozzászólás sikeres megosztásra került.

So bored

Dear Fuckbook 

I'm soooooo bored!!

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Bored Af

Dear Fuckbook,

I am getting bored with this site......

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Bike time!!

The weather is so nice! The bikes are starting to come out. I lookgreat on the back, but I want myown bike! 

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First off...

So if you have to ask me if your dick is big enough...

then the answer is NO!!

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Snail mail

I need people in other countries to mail me some sand. Inbox me if you're interested. Sounds me it's not.

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Soooo no picture, no add.

No message, probably no add!

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If my food would hurry up, I would be so grateful! I'm starting to wish that I microwaved something instead. Damn these home cooked meals! lmao
A hozzászólás sikeres megosztásra került.