
férfi (48) a Puna, India helyről, aki nő, pár partnert keres.

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What does a man do whose wife is ice cold

Is it wrong to cheat on your wife? I think everyone would agree. But is it better to cheat and keep someone happy or is it better to be honest and destroy a family? This is my dilemma. I am a 41 year old sexually very adventurous man. I want to do everything in sex. And here I have an ice cold wife. She is good in all other aspects of life but I s ex she is s total disaster. I have found a way out. I cheat on her and fuck as many women as I can. It keeps my sex life exciting and then do not bother her as well. Our kids are happy and the family life is good. Is it wrong? Should I divorce her and then find a more adventurous partner ? And destroy my kids lives in the process? What is right? What do you think?

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