Guest2385774William 00754

férfi (58) a Toronto, Canada helyről, aki partnert keres.

Nem használok Icebreaker ahhoz, hogy kapcsolatot teremtsek az emberekkel.

Icebreaker segít, hogy kapcsolatot létesíts azokkal, akik érdekelnek.

Csevegés elindítása
Ajándék küldése


There's one fantasy that I've have always had I love women and like being with women and I will always be with a woman but I have this fantasy that I do eight or nine guys at one time I'm invited to a party to be the party c*********and one after another boom boom I think it would turn me right on that's my fantasy anyway

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I have a secret I enjoy sucking cock once in awhile the bigger the better and love taking a. Cum shot to the face I'm into women but put in a big cock e dry now and then I'm happy
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I'm bored who can help me with that

I'm so completely bored I need help you know I have not been laid in 8 weeks because my job is very demanding and I haven't had time I even had time to even masturbate I feel like I'm a virgin again I repeat I have not had sex in 8 weeks I have not masturbated or blow my load in 8 weeks is there anybody out there that can help me I am so frustrated sexually tense and I need sexually released

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I'm bored can anybody help me with that
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