wasted69 blogja



We Met In A Dream


 we met in a dream of what was to be
 that hot summer night,when you came to me
 through the mist of my mind,in a lovers sleep
 you stole from me,the heart you would keep

 you bade me come unto you,
 discover visions that you knew
 you bade me leave my mortal shell,
 and fly the night with you

 as we floated through the cool night air,
 ever warming by our sighs
 we tasted pleasures few have dared
 and lost the wanting from our eyes

 as the night drew on and our bodies intertwined
 the heat from our passion and burning love
 left glowing embers behind
 and I found a love that I knew I would miss
 on the touch of your lips
 from a soul quenching kiss

 but alas my love,the night draws nigh
 and away from your arms,must soon,go I
 for as the dew falls,and the dawn breakes anew
 the saddness must come
 of me without you

 then I'll go through the day
 an eternity it will seem
 and I'll long for you,my love in the night

 For We Met In A Dream
  • wasted69: Just a little something I wrote
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