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On the Hunt Again

It has been a while since I have sought out a female. I was in a relationship with one for about five and a half years. We lived together, talked about a future, the whole nine....

Around May 2008, a week before Memorial Day, all I was left with was a note and her gone.

Went through a lot of pain with her...a lot of back and forth with the female who followed her (to this date, I'm still not quite sure whether the other female and I were truly together or was it just an experiment).

Either way, both caused me pain.

I didn't say, "Never say never." But on the same token, I didn't put forth the effort to pursue anything, either. I was going to put it away.

Amazingly enough, it is the person I am with now who is encouraging me to try again. He knows how much I love women and he has never attempted or tried to change me. I haven't been with a female since my dealings with these two females or since my dealings with him. But he has accessed that my desire for females will always be much more and I should explore rather than suppress.

I think enough time has passed, so I will give things a go and just see what happens. OK

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