Unquenchable blogja



It is really a happy Australia Day?

When I travel, I am always proud of my homeland, Australia. However, I'll be honest I don't feel comfortable celebrating with a jolly 'Happy Australia Day' when we have a serious problem which is still not being addressed enough.

You see (and try to keep reading to the end guys) our culture has encouraged our men to feel sexuality entitled, that its ok to intimidate, abuse and discard women.

In fact in the past t/en years 522 women have been mu/rdered in Australia, another recently victim narrowly escaping death after she was tossed over an apartment balcony.

Please HELP US STAY SAFE. 'R.ape' shouldn't even be a buzz word for pleasure- IT'S NOT OK - Please stand up and say so. I honestly think violent sexual play should be off the table completely, why should it be considered ok to want to rip apart someone's arse or pussy violently for your own pleasure?! Fo/rced blow jobs until a woman vomits isn't for mutual pleasure- its man taking advantage of his gender privilege.

This affects ALL women, take the time to ask your mother, your sister, your daughter, your female friends about times they felt unsafe, threatened or abused; and PLEASE start being vocal against other men that show disrespect towards women this way because it could be one of them who is next to die in horrific violence.

Everyone has the right to get home safely, to be safe in their own home, or free to leave a relationship without repercussion. Being attacked while walking home is not our fault. Or Aiia's or Eurydice's or Jill's.

So come on Australian men- when you enjoy your beer today and celebrate how great your country is; please take a moment to consider it might not be so great for the females around you. And be bold enough to say something if you see another man speak wrongly against women. Because this culture needs immediate turn around.

  • FPhorni: All women should be treated with respect!!! No exceptions!!! And all kinky play should have safe word both people respect.
  • FPhorni: Well said. Im not a fan of rough sex. It should be a loving act, not a hateful act!!
  • ThisSassyLady: It’s 2019 and people of both sexes should know the differences between what is just plain right and ok and what’s not    Sex is supposed to be enjoyable by both sides whether it be compassionate and loving or on the hot and sweaty side as long as both agree   I mean sex that involves blood and bruising and welts and spit holes and then warm baths or hospital visits isn’t sex in the least bit.Yes, both women and menshould both be “pleasured“ not” beatin or … andthen called sex.    
  • Unquenchable: 5RK8 unfortunately many are not consensual, one recently the victim was attacked by a stranger as she was walking home. She was face timing her sister, who heard the phone drop and the subsequent screams of her assault. He tried to burn her genitals to hide the evidence of his r/ape and he killed her.
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