lujinlin43 blogja



Give a girl a chance to breath

Just joined and before I had even had a chance to fill out my profile and look around the site, I'm flooded with pictures of dicks, friend requests and chat invites from complete strangers.

I don't know how it works where you come from but here in China you usually try to get know someone first, which means sending a message introducing yourself properly, not a snap of your penis and nothing else- no face.

Give a girl a chance to get to know you, to look around and get a feel for things. Then send something intelligent to catch my attention.

  • lujinlin43: thats reserved for friends only
  • Sometimesexual: Okay, so please take a deep breath and look around. Not every one here is about just climbing into bed (well, some want you to talk to their cock). If you would like to talk, I am open to that.
  • Iluv_Cunnilingus: Here a tip, no not that one, lol there are a lot of fakes and scammer on this site, that happens to every one. just a warning to a newbie.
  • viho: 说的很对,先了解。
  • QQ929064921: 同城🙋🏻‍♂️
  • user5867875: 不错👍
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