Alexandria, Pennsylvania से महिला (41), जो तलाश में है इसकी: पुरुष.
लोगों से जुड़ने के लिए मुझे Icebreaker उपयोग करना पसंद है।
Icebreaker की मदद से अपनी पसंद के मेम्बरों से संपर्क करने में आसानी होती है।
SubCougar4DomCub के बारे में
ब्रोंज़, सिल्वर और गोल्ड ताज़
मेम्बर की प्रोफ़ाइल पर ताज़ प्लैटफ़ार्म पर उसकी रेपुटेशन और व्यवहार दर्शाते हैं। इन्हें सक्रिय मेम्बरशिप के जरिए धीरे-धीरे ब्लॉग, कमेंट्स, स्टेटस और फोटो के जरिए इखट्ठा किया जाता है; रेपुटेशन के पॉइंट आपकी प्रोफ़ाइल और उसकी सामग्री से दूसरे मेम्बरों के व्यवहार के आधार पर घटाए और जोड़े जाते हैं।
यदि आप दूसरी प्रोफ़ाइलों से नम्रता और सम्मान से बात करेंगे, अपनी प्रोफ़ाइल ईमानदारी से उपयोग करेंगे और साइट के व्यवहार नियमों का उल्लंघन नहीं करेंगे तो आपके रेपुटेशन बनी रहेगी।
मेरे बारे में
Not into older men. Don't tell me what you want to do to me or what you like/love about my body. I DON'T CARE, stranger! You don't have my permission to talk to me about any of that!
I am a DEMISEXUAL so if you want fun with me, you get to know me first. I want a long term monogamous relationship with the goal of marriage. I know I won't find that here so sorry if I don't see what you have/had to say.
I don't shave. I have a hairy bush, pits, legs, ass, everything and pcos. I'm not into "switches", I'm a bratty sub and won't do anything you say unless I give you the authority to do so. So don't tell me what to do. It won't work. I don't follow orders unless the person LOVES me. Devil heart
I am a DEMISEXUAL so if you want fun with me, you get to know me first. I want a long term monogamous relationship with the goal of marriage. I know I won't find that here so sorry if I don't see what you have/had to say.
I don't shave. I have a hairy bush, pits, legs, ass, everything and pcos. I'm not into "switches", I'm a bratty sub and won't do anything you say unless I give you the authority to do so. So don't tell me what to do. It won't work. I don't follow orders unless the person LOVES me. Devil heart
Sub Cougar 4 Dom Cub
SubCougar4DomCub इसकी तलाश में है
मेरा मैच कैसा होगा
Not into older men. Don't tell me what you want to do to me or what you like/love about my body. I DON'T CARE, stranger! You don't have my permission to talk to me about any of that!
I am a DEMISEXUAL so if you want fun with me, you get to know me first. I want a long term monogamous relationship with the goal of marriage. I know I won't find that here so sorry if I don't see what you have/had to say.
I don't shave. I have a hairy bush, pits, legs, ass, everything and pcos. I'm not into "switches", I'm a bratty sub and won't do anything you say unless I give you the authority to do so. So don't tell me what to do. It won't work. I don't follow orders unless the person LOVES me. Devil heart
I am a DEMISEXUAL so if you want fun with me, you get to know me first. I want a long term monogamous relationship with the goal of marriage. I know I won't find that here so sorry if I don't see what you have/had to say.
I don't shave. I have a hairy bush, pits, legs, ass, everything and pcos. I'm not into "switches", I'm a bratty sub and won't do anything you say unless I give you the authority to do so. So don't tell me what to do. It won't work. I don't follow orders unless the person LOVES me. Devil heart
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