Pompano Beach, Florida से पुरुष (62), जो तलाश में है इसकी: पुरुष.
Icebreaker की मदद से अपनी पसंद के मेम्बरों से संपर्क करने में आसानी होती है।
Top 10 reasons why a straight guy should use me to blow him:
You don't have to worry about getting a cocksucker pregnant.
You don't have to wear a condom to feed a cocksucker.
You don't have to buy a cocksucker dinner or flowers or tell me I look nice.
You don't have to worry about a cocksucker having an orgasm, a cocksucker provides you pleasure by sucking your dick and swallowing your load period.
You can watch porn or sports while I suck your dick and I won't be offended.
You can be as verbal as you want call me a faggot, cocksucker or whatever pleases you because I suck dick.
After you cum in me, I know to swallow every drop, suck your dick clean, thank you for your load, get the fuck away and leave you alone until such time that you summon me to blow you again.
If it pleases/amuses you to make me blow your buds, I will do so without question, swallow their load, lick their dick clean and thank them for feeding me.
I expect no reciprocation, I'm just a cocksucker, you spew I swallow period.
I will worship, your dick and be grateful for you allowing me to suck your dick and swallow your load.
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