annabadbitch का ब्लॉग




it’s so interesting to me whenever girls who are twigs call girls who are my size “fat”. I don’t make fun of girls that are skinny. nor do I make fun of girls who are “fatter” than I. personally, I work to keep weight on me because naturally tall and boney, with no ass or tits. regardless of countless conversations and controversy brought to attention about how the media and society has made women hate their own bodies and hate other women’s body’s, being curvy and having fat on your thighs that jiggles when you walk is unacceptable… this image of “skinny” is generally an unhealthy, and generally unattractive look beyond the modeling/film world. do you really think a dude wants to slap and grab on your bones with skin stretched across them? is that what “sexy” and “attractive” has resulted to? what if you’re just naturally skinny? or your fat just goes to your thighs? there are several different types what can be considered “attractive”. one day i’ll see a really skinny girl with no thighs and be like “man i wish I looked like her”.. the next I’ll see a girl with a HUGE ass and thighs and compare myself to her wishing I was her. so why do we have this set idea that FAT=GROSS? as long as you are healthy and content with how you look.. that’s all that should matter. and I will fight til die to defend that.

this is in reference to yet again another fellow female referring to me as a “beast” because of my ass and thighs. coincidentally…. she looks like she weighs 100 lbs… and posts shit like ‘METAL HEAD GUYS.. PARENTS DON’T APPROVE” and churches burning and stuff.

i have nothing to do with you. I don’t want to weigh 90 lbs. for those of you that do, embrace you 90 lb body and leave me the fuck out of it. I GENUINELY love having fat on my thighs. furthermore, I dare you to post unflattering pictures of yourself. you wont. cause you’re too busy insulting bitches like me who are comfortable with their body.

  • mikedlink: i've had big small and in the middle. and i gotta say if your fucking a girl thats super skinny(i cant speak for everyone) but i'm usually scared of hurting her and she sure as hell uaually hurts me with them bones sticking out and into me during sex
  • Cackalacke: Right on! I'm slowing coming to terms with the "its ok to be thick"
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