1Work2School3Party4Fuck का ब्लॉग



To post or not to post?

Using this site, Do women prefer us men to post nude pics, or keep them random, everyday pics?

  • 1Work2School3Party4Fuck: Ladies! Please give me your opinion!!
  • 1Work2School3Party4Fuck: Obviously, men love the nude pictures of females, but I dont think a female enjoys looking at 12 different viewpoints of the same dick. Lol. I just am battling posting nude pics on here, wheres the mystery? I mean talk to me, and we can exchange pictures... Or should I post one? Since, you've showed me yours, I should rightfully show u mine right???. SO THIS IS WHERE I NEED HELP, LADIES DO YOU THINK I SHOULD?
  • 1Work2School3Party4Fuck: Awwww... Ladiesss thank you. We are all here to enjoy life's gift. Guys, leave the girls who like girls alone...
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