nightingale22 का ब्लॉग



that knight

To her, lovemaking was an art, and Sumi treated it with the same care and detail as a master painter would with his paintings, and she was as skilled with her tongue as he would be with his brush. When Sumi had Naala's nipple in her mouth she didn't just suck. At first she didn't even properly put her mouth around it at all, instead flicking the very tip of it with the end of her tongue. It felt good, a pleasant tingling, but Naala knew that Sumi was only getting her warmed up. She always started slowly, but soon Sumi was flicking and rolling her nipple back and forth, massaging it with her tongue while the milk flowed freely.

It felt divine, and after a minute or two of it Sumi switched to Naala's other nipple and started the whole process again. Her breasts were practically buzzing with pleasure. They still felt swollen, but somehow when Sumi was at her nipples it was a different sort of pressure, more pleasure and less pain. They felt hot, deep inside, and the feeling of her milk flowing out of her nipples was an electric tingle that Naala soon lost herself in. She cooed and let her hands wander as Sumi pleasured her, from her enormous soft breasts, so much larger than her own, to her wide hips and plump, firm behind. Naala loved the way she felt under her fingers.

"Goodness, was that a moan I heard?"

"A moan isn't a scream," said Naala with a giggle. "You promised screams. This feels lovely, but if you want me to be louder you'll have to try harder."

"I think I know just the way."

Even after all of these years, Naala had a tendency to forget that Sumi was stronger than she looked. On the surface she was soft, but she could lift Naala with her arms without much difficulty. That was just what she did, hooking her arms around her thighs while Naala laughed and held on. Sumi was only a few inches taller than her, but being carried like this made her feel very small, especially when she was pressed so tightly against her enormous bosom. It was... comforting, in a strange way.

Naala felt warm stone and rushing water against her back. Sumi had brought her to the spot where the upper pool flowed into the lower and had her stand with her back to the waterfall, which cascaded over her neck and shoulders, flowing over the large curves of her breasts, into her cleavage, down over the rippling muscles of her stomach, then finally over the curly black hair that lined her sex.

Sumi kissed Naala's navel. Naala never knew why she did that, but she found it endearing. She also could feel her lower lips start to moisten as soon as she did it, because Sumi only ever kissed Naala's naval right before she-


Sumi laughed. "That was louder than the last one," she said with her nose still pressed against Naala's pubic mound. "I'll have you calling out my name in no time."

"We'll see," said Naala, then she moaned again. Sumi was just as skilled with her tongue as she was with her fingers- in just a few short minutes Naala was breathing heavily, her chest rising and falling with each breath, and squeezing Sumi's shoulders, pressing her gently against her lower lips while she worked her magic. Sumi enjoyed the taste of Naala's juices just as much as her milk, and as she grew wetter and wetter she only grew more eager.

Naala's nipples felt tight and hard, and they were leaking again. Sumi tickled her clitoris with her tongue and her breasts reacted- for a brief moment dozens of tiny jets of milk arced over and onto Sumi's silvery hair, and suddenly Naala could resist no longer. She squeezed one nipple with her fingers and shoved the other one into her mouth, sucking greedily. It felt almost vain to admit it to herself, but her own milk was one of Naala's favorite things to drink. Sweeter than the sweetest wines, more sustaining than water, and far better than any cow or goat's milk, Naala sometimes even drank it on the road, when she was travelling alone, just to fill herself up. And sucking it from her own nipple was an absolutely divine experience. Not only did it taste wonderful, but it also felt wonderful coming out of her body. She'd almost driven herself to orgasm on multiple occasions just from drinking her own milk.

Sumi had driven her to orgasm that way, several times, but, well, that was Sumi. She could make Naala cum without touching anything below her waist. So really, now that she had her tongue between Naala's legs, she didn't stand a chance. Naala could feel it coming- that heat in her loins and in her breasts. She never lasted long when Sumi really wanted to pleasure her, and despite her best efforts Naala could not stifle her gasps and moans.

This was it. Naala's legs stiffened involuntarily, and her nipple fell out of her mouth as she clutched Sumi's hair. She could feel the wave building, rolling, growing larger before it would inevitably break and wash over her, drowning her in pleasure.

And then it stopped. The wave died down and flowed away. Sumi stood and wiped Naala's juices from her lips.

"Huh?" Naala stood with her hands against the wall to steady herself, dazed. "Why did you..."

"That was just to get you warmed up," said Sumi, then she kissed her. Her lips tasted of mint and sex, and the smell of her and the feeling of bare skin against her own made Naala almost dizzy with lust.

"But... I was so close."

"on't worry, my flower. I won't leave you disappointed tonight. Come." Sumi sat cross-legged with her back against the wall, and patted her lap, or the part of it that wasn't covered by her breasts, anyway.

Naala took a step forward and stumbled. Her pussy was on fire, her nipples electrified and still leaking. Her whole body felt abuzz and sensitive. Sumi had her lay down with her head on her legs, the rest of her body sprawled out to the side, halfway covered by the water. From this position Naala's vision was filled with blue skin, for her head was practically underneath Sumi's left breast. Her nipple, so much bigger and thicker than Naala's own, was poking her in the cheek.

"rink, if you like," said Sumi cheerfully as she ran her fingers over Naala's cheeks, her breasts, her hips, her stomach, her sex. "You won't be able to in a few minutes, so you may as well get your fill now."

"Huh? Wh-aah!" Sumi dove right in with two fingers from the start, but Naala was more than wet enough for it. Her fingers were thin and delicate, but somehow they felt enormous when they slid inside of her. Naala had never figured out the trick to that- her own fingers were only a bit thicker than Sumi's, but they never really stretched her out in that pleasant way that Sumi could.

It didn't take long for Sumi to bring her to the edge again, given how close she had been to it just a moment ago. She went straight for the special spot- the spot right behind her pubic mound that Naala could never quite reach on her own- and very quickly she was gasping again, writhing and clenching her legs around Sumi's hand, willing her to go deeper, harder.

And of course, just as the mounting pleasure was about to overwhelm her, Sumi stopped again. Naala moaned in disappointment and wiggled her hips, but it wasn't enough. She couldn't push herself over the edge. Sumi wouldn't let her.

"You're cruel..."

Sumi laughed. "Wait until we're done tonight, and if you still feel that way I'll never do this again." She started to move her fingers again, more slowly this time, and stroked Naala's hair. "But for now, relax, drink, and enjoy yourself. The ending will make it all worth it, I promise." Naala acquiesced and took Sumi's nipple, which was now smearing milk all over her cheek, into her mouth.

As delicious as Naala's milk was, it may as well have been cheap tavern beer compared to Sumi's. Naala's was thin and watery. Sumi's was as thick as cow's milk. Naala's spoiled unless she stored it in snow or ice. Sumi's never went bad. Naala could drink from her own breasts until they were empty, but even if it quenched her thirst it would not sate hunger for food, whereas she could (and had) go for an entire day drinking only Sumi's milk and never feel hungry.

And that wasn't even counting the taste. Naala's was sweet. Sumi's was too, but it also had strange but delicious undertones- sometimes Naala could swear that it tasted of vanilla, other times cinnamon, or honey, or a dozen other flavors that she couldn't even identify. "It's Vela Shei's blessing," Sumi had told her when she asked about it, then she had kissed her. Sumi quite liked kissing.

In the end, Sumi brought Naala to the edge four times. Four times she shivered and twisted and gasped and felt the stirring between her legs, and four times she stopped, waiting longer before starting again each time. By the end of it Naala was sweating, strands of her hair sticking to her face, the air redolent with the smell of her milk and her juices. She had been drinking Sumi's milk for most of it, and she could swear that it was making the feelings more intense. By the time Sumi stopped the fourth time Naala felt as if just a touch would push her over.

And yet she hadn't screamed yet. She had moaned- loudly- and gasped and whimpered and called out Sumi's name, but she had not screamed. The urge had come though, during that last peak, and she feared that she might actually do it if Sumi kept her on the edge like this.

"Are you ready, my flower knight?"

"Yes! Gods above, yes!"

Sumi smiled. "Good."

Even though she knew it was coming, it still took her by surprise. Instead of going slowly and working her way back up to a peak Sumi went straight for Naala's special spot again. She hit it hard, and fast, and after the fact Naala could have sworn that she used some sort of magic as well.

The world shook. Her nipples felt hot, and time seemed to slow down as she saw them erupt. Like two volcanoes shooting white lava, her milk gushed as if there were very eager lips on both of her nipples, though nothing was touching either of them. Her eyes widened. Just as she started to feel the first drops of her milk land hot on her face she felt something welling up in her sex, fueled by the fire of her orgasm. It felt almost like she had to make water, but she couldn't hold it back, the pressure was too great, and as soon as it started to gush out of her she knew that it wasn't … Her back arched hard, completely of its own volition, and she shuddered and rolled her eyes back as it sprayed out of her in one violent burst, then another, then another, each time spattering noisily into the springwater.

She lost herself, just for a moment. For one beautiful, perfect moment, there was no hotspring. No forest. No Overlook. No Order of the Chrysanthemum. There was only Naala, and Sumi, and her wonderful fingers and her nipples and her milk and wave after wave of the most exquisite ecstasy.

When it was all over Naala was seeing stars. Her throat felt sore, and she realized in a vague, dreamy sort of way that she'd been screaming.

"Told you," said Sumi with her smarmy smirk.

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