un homme (48 ans) de Norcross, Georgia cherchant un(e)femme, couple.

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À propos de Gentleman_Jack99

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Gentleman_Jack99 est à la recherche de

La personne idéale
I am seeking a long term friend with benefits. If I should make a friend and the chemistry isn't there, I don't back out of the friendship. The woman I'm seeking needs to be mature, honest, discreet, and understand that there will never be anything more beyond friendship. I've had quite a few say they could handle it and then let their emotions get too deep bringing an end to the benefits, and in a couple even the friendship. I don't like it to end that way. I don't even like it to end, but that line can't be crossed. I have a lot invested in my world, and have no intentions of losing it. Be fun, open minded, and have a sexual appetite to match mine and we will get along great.
I'm also open to joining couples looking to spice things up. Any couples that contact me should be secure in their marriage, and not have any thoughts of trying to fill a void that won't be filled by bringing someone else into the bedroom. If you have marital problems, seek counseling, not a third person in your bedroom.
Je recherche
femme, couple
jamais, rarement, j'ai arrêté